No gear for Cache of the Aqir Swarm?

Ok I did misunderstand how they were conveying the information. The patch notes are a mess anyways. The assaults don’t reward you with a vessel of horrific vision either… they give essences which you can collect to buy one. It’s just very poor wording and information all around.

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Aren’t you happy they replaced titanforging ?

Yup. It’s one thing to have a bug ridden patch, but this lack of communication from the devs and badly worded patch notes just make it so much more worse.

I made a thread yesterday actually asking for Titanforging back. Ion said their intention in removing Titanforging was to “reduce rng in player effectiveness”. But putting in Corrupted gear, even if all their sources were working, are so much more rng-based in their effectiveness considering the wide disparity in corrupted affixes.

I don’t understand how a 12-14k difference in DPS between randomised corrupted affixes is in any way better than Titanforging. Even a maxed out Titanforged trinket didn’t give this big a dps difference.


I would be if the current system was rewarding gear properly. At least next week most of the gear rewards from other content updates. Just checked and January 22nd, start of season 4, end of dungeon rewards for M+ will be scaling up to new levels.

the patch notes lie. all i’ve gotten are resources. they should instead say “a chance at a piece of gear, but probably not gear”

I started the 8.3 content on my alt. Started running my DK through it.
The current Uldum assault is my first assault on this toon and got gear from the cache. It was bracers, same as my main and other alts on their first assault (the assault before this one).

Just posting this to add more info.

Went back and read the patch notes. It does say after every assault you will be rewarded with a powerful piece of equipment AND a vessel of Horrific Visions. So yeah missing the gear and the vessel


I didn’t get gear, but my brother did.


I believe the vessel is from major assaults (so black empire) only.

Nope it lists all 6 in the patch notes

You get 5.5k Coalescing visions for minor assaults.

Not getting gear from a source that is not garanteed to drop gear is not a glitch.


Cite the patch notes then, because the Vessel and garanteed loot is from the weekly major assault.

The Aqir assault yesterday was a minor, its only garanteed drop is 5.5k Coalescing visions.

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Patch notes say right there that you get gear after you defeat a general in an assault.

All I got was currency like mementos and the stuff for vessels. I mean that’s cool and all. But I was promised gear.

Yes, the major assaults. The weekly one we got in Vale.

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So the one in Uldum wasn’t a major? The game doesn’t say what type of assault is going on. Just that there is one going on when the little eye icon is all flashy and attention grabby.

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You get 1 major per week, and 2 minor. The Uldum stuff right now is minor assaults. Hence the reset and change of area last night, mid week.

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ah i see. kinda wish it would say minor assault or major assault. i don’t see any indication of that in game so it’s kind of odd to learn how stuff works outside the game


I just read the patch notes, and they definately could have made it more clear.

Basically, the major assaults are the “Black Empire Assaults” which you see listed twice, once for each zone in the patch notes, and the 4 other ones, with factions (Aqir, Amathet, Mogu, Mantid) are the minor ones.


that’s because that is obviously talking about the major assault which gives the vessel. which you did get.

Yeah I received 2k gold, 5500 visions and some mementoes. So if this was a minor assault, the one earlier in the week was a major? How do we know which is which? How did some players get gear while doing the earlier major?