Why couldn’t I just make the groups and reserve it for myself? They drop in dungeons and 10mans don’t they?
How did the first players get them?
Why couldn’t I just make the groups and reserve it for myself? They drop in dungeons and 10mans don’t they?
How did the first players get them?
How do you reserve a non-guaranteed drop?
Flask recipes aren’t like Righteous Orbs, you’re not guaranaeed to get one.
You turn on master loot when the boss that drops it is next?
If it doesn’t drop, you can go again?
Again, how do you reserve something that isn’t a guaranteed drop for a dungeon?
People reserving HoJ or Righteous Orbs isn’t the same thing as reserving a High Value recipe.
You can stop gas-lighting and shifting the goal posts whenever you want.
GDKP won’t be on anniverasry.
You can adapt to the game or you can play Era where GDKPs are allowed.
LFM Scholo, flask formulas ressed.
How do people reserve the Righteous orbs in run buddy? Are you saying you’ve never seen a run where the tank gets the first one atleast?
And you are guaranteed one orb just to inform you.
Orbs are almost always Round Robin.
People get flamed for hard reserving them.
So why can’t I hard res something that has a low chance to drop but a high payout? Can’t I just stay persistent and play the game for fun while waiting for the drop? They don’t have zero % chances, do they?
How does having no GDKP hurt you exactly?
What’s stopping you from doing as you’re suggesting.
Hard Res items you want and running your own groups?
Now you’re getting off topic, why?
Why are you incapable of making gold via the AH in any economy?
If prices are inflated, shouldn’t my goods get the same treatment?
Wrong, the game is built on developing social spheres. Join a guild and all these problems go away. If you can’t dedicate the time, join reputable SR runs and you avoid all these problems. Leavers get blacklisted – simple as that. GDKPs make the gold buying & botting situation even worse than it already is, thus they are off the table.
Now you’re getting off topic, why?
That’s 100% on topic.
This topic is about GDKPs being banned on Fresh, something you’re very clearly angry about.
I’ve already posted I don’t want to commit to a scheduled raid again. Removing GDKPs only removes players, the bots and RMT will still be there.
I’m just trying to figure out how GDKP affects you when you can simply sell things on the AH to anyone? If the economy is inflated, so is your time spent farming materials that the market has a desire for.
Do the materials for consumables have a negative return?
I’ve already posted I don’t want to commit to a scheduled raid again. Removing GDKPs only removes players, the bots and RMT will still be there.
Nothing will stop you from playing on the regular Classic Era servers where GDKP’s are allowed.
It’s the exact same content.
One(1) server without GDKP shouldn’t send you into a frothing rage where you threaten to quit the game.
I’m just trying to figure out how GDKP affects you when you can simply sell things on the AH to anyone? If the economy is inflated, so is your time spent farming materials that the market has a desire for.
GDKPs incentivise RMTs.
Not all GDKPers are RMTers but most RMTers do GDKPs.
RMTs are just as detrimental to the economy as GDKPs are.
Exponential inflation.
I’m glad you won’t answer my questions above about making gold in the AH or if you’ve ever attended a GDKP raid even, and instead just tell me to go away.
Great response and it shows your depth of knowledge to the situation. GDKPs cause zero inflation since its just a transfer of gold. Bots create inflation, and cheap RMT moves it into the economy.
I’m glad you won’t answer my questions above about making gold in the AH or if you’ve ever attended a GDKP raid even, and instead just tell me to go away.
How do I know what happens in GDKP raids if I haven’t done one?
Great response and it shows your depth of knowledge to the situation.
You have to be able to farm the things that have value on the AH.
How is a level 10 supposed to farm the stuff that has value to be able to buy starter gear when any good level 10 greens are 5g?
The crappy ones START at 1g.
How long does it take to farm up a stack of copper bars(20)?
How many stacks would you need to farm to get enough gold to buy level 10 greens with good stats for your class + bagsAnything over 8 slots is 1-2g to start)?
A single stack of copper bars is 5g.
That’s one green or two 10 slot bags.
Why does a level 10 need to buy anything from the AH?
Won’t they also have level 10 greens they can’t use to sell? Or do your toons never see drops in any of your scenarios?
Why does a level 10 need to buy anything from the AH?
The same reason anyone else does to progress their character.
You said yourself that you view the game as solely about character progression.
Buying gear at level 10 isn’t progressing your toon very much, considering leveling is a far stronger progressing focus at that point.
Wasting money on loot you’re going to replace isn’t a smart idea, is it? Especially when there are free options out there to progress your toon at that point, no?
Buying gear at level 10 isn’t progressing your toon very much, considering leveling is a far stronger progressing focus at that point.
Tell me you’ve never played Wariror without telling me you’ve never played warrior.
A level 10 green weapon on a warrior makes the game exponentially easier.
Wasting money on loot you’re going to replace isn’t a smart idea, is it? Especially when there are free options out there to progress your toon at that point, no?
You’re right, never take any loot while you’re leveling or doing dungeons because you’ll just replace it with raid gear.
You’re ignoring the most critical component. GDKP’s exacerbate botting, gold selling, and RMT. Will there be bots, gold selling, etc without GDKPs? Yes of course. Will there be DRAMATICALLY less of all of the above? Yes.
That is what you’re not understanding.