That player base still has to form raids, defeat bosses, and have their loot drop.
If your loot doesn’t drop, or you are outbid, you come out with more gold then you went in with. Do we think that players taking gathering professions are buying gold to gather too?
The people that have gathering professions should be the ones driving the economy not the people throwing gold at a raid so they can get epics and then sit in Org/SW whining that there’s no content.
If you don’t have time to raid normally you don’t have time to farm the gold needed for GDKPs either.
GDKPs give players an incentive to stay for the full duration of the raid and perform up to standard. It also gives an incentive to players who wouldn’t otherwise have anything to gain from the older/lower content.
That’s not the case in other PuGs.
Seeing as I don’t want to commit to another weekly raid, I’m just taking the pass on WoW for a bit.
These changes are literally only excluding players.
So it perpetuates the “What do I get out of it?” mentality that has infected WoW?
IF people leave your PUG raid never invite them again, problem solved.
Further you can do most of the raids with 25-30 people, 10-15 people could literally Be AFK and you’d still finish MC.
If you don’t have time don’t raid.
If you want to do GDKPs ERA will still be there.
Excluding players that don’t participate in anything other than GDKPs anyways.
They can still play on Era and get their GDKP freak on.
I go out of my way to help people out duder.
I try to make whatever server I’m on a better place.
Have you never gone to Crossraods with a bunch of greens and just handed it out like candy?
GFKP raids are like being in Barrens Chat except you’re on voice with people.
Super toxic elitists who are only focused on getting as much gold as possible.
Compared to the players that want you to carry them through content because they want to play the game how they want to, even if it means making it more difficult for those around them. Aka not team players.
I’m already seeing people talking about rolling the good ol fashion meme specs, that have thousands of hours documented as being unfit for the roles those players want to force them into. Those players don’t care about those around them, they are selfish and the game will bleed players as soon as the best of those are done with their agendas.
I enjoy helping people.
Be the change you want to see.
Everybody on your faction is on your team, everybody on your faction is your teammate.
WoW is a big Red Vs Blue game like Halo.
By helping people on your faction you make your faction stronger which means you’re more likely to “win” those WPVP engagements on a faction-wide scale.
It’s not difficult but it strengthens the server/faction community as a whole and those people are more likely to help out others they come across. It snowballs.
You kick those players from your raids.
Problem solved.
If they’re running meme specs and you don’t like meme specs have a non-meme spec raid.
Meme specs are fun.
It’s okay to play suboptimally if you’re having fun and the people you’re playing with are cool with it.
We knew Ret and Boomkin were terrible in Vanilla.
We still brouught them to raids because we brought the player not the class.
It takes 96-110 hours(4-5 days) /played to get to level 60 in base Vanilla and that’s if you’re speedrunning it.
There isn’t even 100 hours of raid content.
Most people are clearing each raid in 1-3 hours every week until you get to the hard(relative to MC/BWL/ZG) raids.
The vast majority of players log in because they want to have fun.
GDKP has a net negative impact on a server.
GDKP has a severe impact on the server economy as a whole.
If you don’t participate in GDKPs you can’t buy anything on the AH and you’ll never get your upgraded abilitiies(BShout VII is 1800g on Whitemane Cluster).
If you like GDKP that’s great, play era, let us have a GDKP free server.