No gdkp is a bad idea

and boosters and those selling carries

Those are the same people who do GDKP.

Those are the people so hard focused on getting to 60 because “The game doesn’t start until you start raiding”.

But in less quantity, it all helps…

that is like saying your house is only on fire in the Living room and the Kitchen but to put out the Fire in the Kitchen won’t help to save it from burning.

Im not “basically” saying anything other than what gdkps are…

Do you usually tell others what they are saying?

Perfect example.

Rmt and bots are everywhere.

Blizzard: We will ban gdkps!!


Forum Idiots: Blizzard is trying!


Actual Dent heads.


Peeposcam: Reeeeeee!! I wanna buy gear with my USD!
Blizzard: No it encourages Gold Buying and makes the problem worse, but we wont ban it on Asian servers.
Peeposcam: rushes to forums There’s still Bots! Bring back GDKP!
Sane Players: No it makes things worse…
Peeposcam: slams computer desk, kicks pet, break keyboard while screaming BuT ThErE WiLl StIlL Be BoTs!!? I cAnT mAkE MaH aLtS!!
Sane Players: Play on Asian servers or don’t make alts, we don’t care.
Peeposcam: hawks forums with a high blood pressure and an insatiable anger

Sane players quite this game long time ago. Only us left

Best Idea ever to keep GDKP out.

Gold making guide for free for gdkpers that actually have to play the game outside of 1 hour a week!

  1. mining
  2. herbalism
  3. skinning
  4. being a mage
  5. certain farms like tribute runs that can be done on certain classes
  6. boosting
  7. playing the game in general tends to grant passive income
  8. gambling

I’m doing #6 again.

I love taking the gold from all you gold buyers.

You’re not very smart if you thought I was implying that NO GDKP = no bots.

I just meant that it was the #1 driving force behind them, not the ONLY thing. SoD isn’t anywhere near as bad as classic was with bots.

when i saw that fresh had no gdkp i resubbed after my 3 month long hiatus

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Not quite.

It’s like saying the house is engulfed and they’re worried about the stove still being on.

Maybe address the much larger issue before worrying about things that may cause it.

Because as far as I’m concerned, they went and made sure the stove wasn’t gonna cause the fire, yet the house is still ablaze.

I agree they should fix the botting issues 100%

However without he bots most of those playing GDKP wouldn’t have the fundage for the items they wanted on alts much less their mains, because Bots and GDKP players are two wings on the same bird.

Anything that reduces even slightly the ability to fly is a win for us all.

So you have no actual counter-arguments to the points above and deflect instead. Got it.

I just watched a Gressil go for 115,000 gold on stream. Just now… with a total pot of 285,000 gold.

I dont see how you logically can defend GDKP at this point lolol

I countered every point.

You all say gdkps ruin the economy which it doesn’t, it doesn’t create any gold, you buying an item in a gdkp doesn’t magically make Firewater Elixirs cost more, since it doesn’t lower its supply or raise its demand.

It’s irrelevant anyway, there is no gdkps on Fresh.

I was never asking for them to be on fresh, I was merely pointing out that none of your arguments actually make sense.

The ban is a placebo so you all feel good and think blizzard did something.

The same people who buy gold will still buy gold, this isn’t going to change.

The same bots will still be botting.

It creates more gold buyers, and gold buyers who by more gold more consistently, which creates more bots to cover the demand. Higher demand for botted gold means more botting and more gold in the economy. More gold in the economy == inflation. Not a difficult concept to grasp.

Yeah I don’t think it does.

If you have no issues buying gold you’re buying gold regardless

Now your argument could be that maybe they’re buying less amounts of gold.

I’d agree to that but the people who buy gold are still buying gold

What are you going to buy gold for past pre-raid bis BoEs if GDKPs are banned?

GDKPs create excessive, never-ending demand for gold to buy gear in a GDKP. This is on a scale that is way higher than what you need for weekly consumables.

You preditably went into the logical fallacy “but it wont get rid of 100% of buyers”. Buddy, that’s not the point. GDKPs balloon the demand for gold which increases the number of buyers and increases the amount of gold people buy, at an increased consistency than they would if GDKPs didn’t exist.

GDKPs are destructive to the economy for this reason, unless blizzard started perma banning gold buyers which they have refused to do.

If blizzard refuses to ban the RMTers, banning GDKPs is the lesser evil option as it guts the amount of demand for RMT.