No gdkp is a bad idea

Everything that Involves gold you can buy gold for what are you even saying?

People literally hate farming lmao.

People buy gold to raid log.

There is tons of stuff to buy gold for, if we are going to have a conversation then I’m going to need you to not be in denial

You don’t seem to understand the concept that GDKP items in raids balloons the demand. You are showing your bias and being dishonest if you are seriously going to compare the price of consumables to gear in GDKPs. Also forgetting the fact that it’s an additional cost on top of consumes.

Nothing you can buy in the game comes close to the costs you have to pay to participate in GDKPs.

I never disagreed that gdkps would increase demand.

It’s a new gold sink, so people will buy gold for it.

I told you it’s a placebo, look how excited you all are but the SAME people who had no issues buying gold will still buy gold.

Fresh will be blasted by bots and rmt and lock summoners who just happen to love playing 14 hours a day spamming “WTS SUMMON 4G”.

Nothing ultimately changes besides you feeling better because you don’t like an auction based loot system and that’s all blizzard cares about.

The actual issues aren’t getting resolved


yup /10char

Thats the end of the conversation then. Increased demand means more bots and more gold than otherwise.

Would I rather blizzard hire human beings to ban bots and give perma bans to RMTers? Yes

Will blizzard do that? No

In this case, the 2nd best option is to kill the biggest source of RMT.

I played SOD you would have the same person literally spamming for HOURS that they are literally selling gold and Linking the website they are selling it on.

How TF does that even become a thing?

Why are we happy a loot system is banned that’s inherently good but this is ok and acceptable because the loot system is banned?

The logic of classic players is mind blowing.

Imagine hiring gms, how does no person with authority over the game not ban someone selling gold in trade chat for literal hours.

At least now we can look forward to less hunters and warlocks in the raids. Oh and i cant wait for the cry babies to be on here, when their parses get checked and they quit cause the sr runs wont take em.

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You keep going back and fourth between acknowledging that GDKPs increase the demand, and then denying it saying it didn’t remove 100% of buyers therefore it removed 0% of buyers.

You defeated your own argument when you conceded that GDKPs increase demand. Less demand without GDKP = less buyers and less gold bought. Less does not mean 0%, which is unachievable.

Fresh trade chat will literally look like this.

WTS SUMMON to Kargath 4g

Wts summon to stonard 4g

WTS Gold, pst

WTS Boosting, if you don’t have gold just message me on discord.

WTS Gold

Selling Summons everywhere, pst “inv” for auto invite, 4g

WTS Gold.

The playerbase be like it’s ok guys gdkp was banned the games better.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Stupid people like a lot of things, that’s how Trump got elected. GDKP is good for dummies, cheaters, and scum.

As someone who never bought gold, no GDKP is a feels bad man.

There seems to be a misconception that the only people who do GDKPs are people who buy gold and buy gear and that honestly not true. I and the people i play this game with are 90+% players who join GDKPs as carries. This was a great incentive to continue to do content that we’ve already received all the gear from. Without this incentive, we generally just stopped logging in as there is no reason to go back, we would just wait until the next content update or would quit all together. This is the primary reaason we quit SOD, there wasnt much to do outside of raiding (pvp bgs got boring) and once we had our gear, there was no reason to keep playing.

In TBC classic, the gold we made from GDKPs on our mains went to our alts which we would then use to buy gear and it was just a circle. I think people fail to see this part, alot of the gold is cycled rather than a never ending fountain of new gold coming in. The other positive on this was i was regularly raiding with people outside the guild in their hosted GDKPs and made friends this way, doesnt happen as much with SR / HRs.

As far as the “go to classic era if you want gdkp”, would gladly if they would do a reset there as well…but they didnt…so this is the reset we got.

I know i know, omg theres no way someone could enjoy GDKPs who isnt just a mommys credit card swiper!! /shrug


Era is filled with end game andys.

All the real classic dans went to hardcore. (Or didnt cause they dont like perma death).

Hey bud, how do you think you got the inflated pots from gdkps?

Just because you arent gold buying, doesnt mean you arent directly benefiting from gold buyers / sellers.

What do you think the organisers do with their huge cuts?

I dont believe all the gold in GDKPs was necessarily bought; although, im not naive enough to say none of it was. Again, a lot of the gold in GDKPs were cylced gold (people would carry one GDKP, bring their alt the next).
The other piece is because of GDKPs, there was a lot more incentive to actually do your quests (in TBC, SMV quests for example post 70). There was also more incentive to go farm ore for 4 hours. All these activities would be to bankroll a GDKP buy. Without this type of gold sink, there isnt a big reason to do much of this.

TLDR, some of the gold was probably bought, not all of it. Certainly not in the circles i was in and i was in a lot of GDKP groups.

yup i feel the same way.

I’ve been on whitemane for a month now back from a break on a near BiS naxx paly and I cant for the life of me get into a guild or a GDKP without having 25k min gold as told by the leads of each raid.

Finding a guild on that cluster is near impossible unless you flash money around. You’ll be in LFG all day and city all day trying to talk to someone to join a guild.

weird i had a completely different experience greedy goblin took me right in and ive been raiding with them for the past 4 months i had 3kg when i started

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Because they kick people who arent BiS or have low amounts of gold.

100+ GDKP groups forming on whitemane every evening and only a good 10 groups get filled while the rest spam. I caught one group in a lie as I showed him my accountant gold numbers real quick as my inventory and he instantly invited me no question.


Lol you’re lying out you bum bro. I’ve had no issues what so ever with my Hpally for the better part of this year. If you’re going to lie atleast make it believable.

nopey dopey doo!