No Forsaken Representation Is Better Than Having Calia

Undead? Yes. Forsaken? No. She CHOSE to become a light-forged undead or whatever they will call it. Additionally, she ran and hid during the Scourge invasion.

So, no she is very much not the same as the Forsaken.



And you’re telling me when Sylvanas and the Forsaken joined the horde their history didn’t lean alliance?

Sylvanas windrunner?

The high elf who defended silvermoon from um Orcs and Trolls?

You’re saying her history leans more horde than alliance?

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If she wants to join the Forsaken, let her try. But to lead the Forsaken is something else entirely.



Not even Belmont you know
 guys is not the Deathstalker Commander, just merely one captain among many.

Exhibit A of “I like Calia cause muh much more Alliance flavored nuRace!!!”

Says all tbqh.


What did Sylvanas and The Forsaken do after the were freed from the scourge? They had to earn the trust of the Horde.

What has Calia done since becoming “undead”? Has she earned the mantle of leadership of the Forsaken? To be equal in stature within the Horde to Thrall? Even Baine has more Horde credibility than Calia and he’s an Anduin sycophant.



Many females Npcs in positions of authority all over the game. WoW was ahead of its setting in gender equality.

Perhaps Calia could become leader of the Forsaken down the line. But to put her in that position now would be the same as allowing Anduin the status of High King of the Alliance right after Varian was killed.


Yes, there are. And that’s not a bad thing.



On a lighter note
There will be a 5 years timeskip and the only change will be Calia leading the Forshakens.

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Your race the blood elves spent more years with the alliance than the Horde.

Before Arthas trashed the place you guys spent years with humans and dwarves.

For most of Warcraft lore you were allies with humans.

So again
 If the blood elves and Forsaken can go on the horde, both races who spent an ample amount of time allied to humans and dwarves.

Calia menethil who is like in her 40s isn’t too alliance to join.


Why are they referred to as Blood Elves and not High Elves?



That’s a human being who made that post, not a fictional character.


According to Blizzard, they’re the same thing.

wow isnt earth azeroth has literal women soldiers

So does Earth. Literally.


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I know that.

Other folks tell me I’m alliance yet I’m a human who isn’t alive in Azeroth.

I’m saying their characters race. It’s pretty clear when we refer to folks here it’s directed at their avatar. I mean we’re talking about a fictional game with fictional avatars and made up names.

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Why did Blood Elves join the Horde?


Because 90% of them got wiped out by the scourge.

Why did the high elves have an alliance with dalaran from before the first war?

its not equal look it up

No. It was because, like the Forsaken, the Alliance rejected them.
