No Focus Unit = Unsubscribing 2nd Account

So basically the multiboxing you hate is completely unaffected.

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I think he was referring to my personal nemesis. Which happens to not be you. :slight_smile:

I could show at least two other accounts but I’m not going to get into it, or I’ll be the one needing another account.

Which I wouldn’t do anyways, I take my vacations like an adult.

Sometimes when Warriors cast Last Stand they still die.


I had to make a dozen or two just to avoid your perpetual creeping. Maybe 3 dozen.

(or 1 alt account, created when I called asmodgold something one of his minions took offense to)

Got it. Good to know.

But you can still achieve what you want to achieve though, can’t you?

Would this work: /use [harm][@targettarget]Smite

So you keep your alt targetted and then you cast whatever on their target.

Heck, you can set it up like this:

1: /Target Alt
2: /use [harm][@targettarget]Smite

Then you just need to press 1222 and repeat.

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Oh come on, you’ve been passive-aggressively harassing me for a year. You even like all the posts that personally insult me to a heavy degree.

The one with an issue here isn’t me.


I’m sure the CFO is doing an analysis of how missing your $14.99 a month will bankrupt the company.


Focus target takes away the skill in PvP

learn to keep an eye on enemies and which spell they are casting and get good at tab targeting / click targeting if you want to interrupt them

having the option to focus target takes a large amount of skill out of PvP.

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He’s been doing the same thing with me too.

Technically so has Fesz but to a much, much lesser degree.

With Broken it’s almost like it’s personal for some reason.

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I don’t hate multiboxing. I never cared for the 5 shaman groups I saw in Bgs. But I wasn’t much of a PvPer either.

I think multiboxing is a novelty… and abused in order to gain an advantage in game. But people do that all the time.

But if Blizzard doesn’t make it so you can script out of party targets/focus frames… it’s not the end of the world… nor is it the end of multiboxing.

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I think anyone here for longer than a month knows your gimmick.

Monitors numbers of who likes who’s posts on various posts of others, charting their passive-aggressive potential. Insists others are the ones with the issues.

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Apparently a lot of people will unsub if this isn’t “fixed” pronto. Goodness, it’s probably a majority of players! I guess all those tons of people I see dual- or multi-boxing in game will be all lonely now.

I hope they can find a way to recover from this massive revenue loss.


Multiboxers can cry me a river .!.


In all honesty, guys, I don’t think the passive-aggressive sarcasm is helping anything. If anything it’s making this community look like a bunch of tools.

“Never forget who you are. Wear it like armor and it can never be used against you.”

-Abraham Lincoln 2019

Alright, that’s enough. Leave me alone.

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I thought it was Tyrion Lannister who said that.

Well someone trying to force a change out of them by saying “I’ll unsubscribe one of my accounts” isn’t exactly a shining beacon.