No Focus Unit = Unsubscribing 2nd Account

No they wouldn’t. We’re using 7.3.5. There is no script support and that’s not even what Eloraell is asking for.

Focus in vanilla required the use of scripts or add-ons. There was no “built in” focus frame until TBC.

Tell us all how to “add” focus to Classic without changing the infrastructure to support scripts and add-ons or adding that TBC feature of “built in” focus frames.

I know this, OP knows this.

We’re using 7.3.5 Infrastructure on Classic WoW. That’s why it supports modern macros and can easily support modern addons with some minor tweaks.

He’s asking for them to turn on a feature that already exists on the Infrastructure we’re using (7.3.5) and worked extremely similarly to the feature that existed in Vanilla.

Elo - Let me know if you want me to try a script or something in Beta and I will for you.

Reading comprehension is failing for some people.

Tl;dr of this thread - the functionality was in Vanilla, but due to API changes(for BNet integration + others I’m sure), it’s no longer there. So Elo is requesting a backend change to allow the same functionality that was there in Vanilla.

Read what I’m saying.

Reinstate the focus unit ID from the Retail API (and its slash command), in the Classic version of that Retail API. That’s all that’s needed. It’s not going to recreate all the 1.0 scripts, just like the target unit ID doesn’t need the 1.0 scripts to work either.

It’s clear you’re attempting a technical argument to something you know nothing about the technicalities of. Please stop making nonsense arguments.

The functionality was in Vanilla, that should be enough for you of all people.

Already done for most of them. /focus doesn’t work, nor does FocusUnit().

I first got wind when they removed it all from the Blizzard Interface Addons, and confirmed when beta came out. Everything stems from the focus unit ID and so its all gone.

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No, it’s not something we knew would happen.
We knew that blizzard said they’d likely keep things from the modern API if it was either available in vanilla or recreatable with an addon.
The ability to create a focus was in vanilla. Because of that we could assume that it would still be in classic but they would use the modern version of accessing it. There is no reason for them to have removed the function from the modern API for classic, even the actual frame itself as that was doable with addons. At the very minimum, according to blizzards own words, focus should be available in classic.

Fesz, do you ever make good arguments?

Oh no, you can’t party with yourself. Dang. Now this might sound crazy but maybe you and all the other former antisocials can get together and, stay with me here - party together on a massively-MULTIplayer-online-rpg?

Your mind has just been blown. Thank you for riding the Dwarf train. Was that good for you?

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What’s more MULTI than MULTIboxing?

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It affects group content too.

Pretty much this. Im not going to actively campaign for them to keep it this way. But I’m not going to bleed out for multiboxers either.

Exactly. It doesn’t violate terms of use but it’s a scummy thing to do.

The OP isn’t reinventing the wheel here - multiboxing has been around since the dawn of MMOs as a way for the lazier denizens among us to cheese their way through content. Which is why it’s very often banned, both in retail and private servers.

Back in my days of Ragnarok Online multi boxing was a huge problem. You’d frequently encounter 6 man parties with everyone on auto follow, just for the sake of having every buff in the game at all times. Ridiculous and very scummy.

Don’t be silly. He clearly didn’t make good arguments 15 years ago, and he doesn’t want to change. #NoChanges

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Perhaps you could provide an official Blizzard statement PROMISING that everything that was possible in vanilla would be possible in Classic.

Any assumptions you made are exactly that–assumptions. We all know what happens when you assume.

And I can ask you to provide an official blizzard statement saying it would be removed.
And there’s no reason to assume that it would be removed. You know what happens when you assume right?

I don’t recall ever saying that Blizzard specifically told us that focus would be removed. Perhaps you could provide a quote of me saying that.

I said that we knew that some things that were possible via scripts, macros and third party add-ons would not be possible due to changes in infrastructure.

if you cant win with only 1 toon than 2 isnt the answer. the answer is get better

The only thing we knew is that things that weren’t doable in vanilla likely wouldn’t be doable in classic and that things doable in vanilla would likely be doable in classic.
The only thing they specifically mentioned they would break are addons/macros that would “play the game for you” (i.e. the original decursive/healbot functionality and lfg addons that create groups for you).

Likely is not the same as definitely, despite any erroneous assumptions that people may have made.

Well good thing people are posting about this to find out if it was removed on purpose or in error then isn’t it?