No Flying Realms for Wrath

Of course they don’t… they want their own personal playground.

Why this is in General Discussion instead of Classic General Discussion


Wrath was an expansion designed with flying in mind.

it wasn’t until WoD that developers started thinking “let’s get rid of flying” and designed zones with no flying in mind. So it makes no sense to have no flying servers.

But I’ll also add, why do you even want no flying? If it’s for PvP, well tough luck because 99% of realms are dominated by one faction. Imagine being on the losing end AND you can’t fly?! People would quit that server immediately. If it’s for RP to “see people in the world” then play on a higher population server.


Because it is a troll.

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Just another easy jab to get attention. No one even tries anymore.


Nope. You want no fly, then don’t fly.


Uhhhhh…how about no.


Gotta wait three and a half hours for it to dock somewhere to get on.

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Just yell at everyone in general chat that if you see them flying on your realm you’re gonna super duper angry, for serial.

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…and shamans can’t put down totems. Give us this now! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think you wanted to post this in the classic forums. :rofl:

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I do? Oh that’s right I did! Totally forgot.

They will create a portal room. Won’t that be immersive!

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Lol. Get rid of flying mounts – specifically in the one xpac with some zones purpose built with flying in mind! Brilliant!

You want to try and dismiss everyone else who disagrees by telling them to go to a flight enabled realm. But you want to dissuade them from telling you to do basically do the same thing by simply choosing not to fly? What makes you so much more special? Right. Nothing!

Just don’t fly then :slight_smile: Enjoy the immersion! If it’s so great, then you don’t need it to be forced.


I played Wrath back in the day and I can tell you from personal experience (mine and my friends) that the moment we could afford and obtain flight, we got it.

Nobody sat around thinking, gosh I want to spend more time on the ground running through areas I’ve already run through numerous times. :thinking:





Options are fine. But don’t presume to speak for everyone.


Ew. No.



only one of these statements isn’t a flat out lie.

do better, and stop being a presumptuous person with a supidly-inflated ego who thinks so much of themselves they think they have the right to speak for literally everyone.


Op, wish granted, kind of.

Wrath fresh start servers. all will start at humble level…1. No one should be flying first few days.

you know, the one people will level to 70 on as fast as they can. since killing 300 boars to get 10 boar parts quests don’t get more intriguing at level 20 the 10th time. and you need the level 58+ to go farm crater/silithus better even if making your own personal use BIS gear.

also if a pvp concern…I have a char on grob most times its not the fly by’s who land and kill me.

its the rogue. walking up in stealth. Or they ride up ground mounts. alliance is at least fair to my BE hunter. I’ve seen many 70’s leave her alone. She is only 29 so they show pity upon me I guess lol.

good luck with getting to the shrine of storms in storm peaks or ulduar or the skytfire in icecrown or the cliff of elements or the icecrown dungeons or wintergrasp or…

It was designed with flight in mind, this suggestion is lol