No Flying Realms for Wrath

You obviously didnt play Wrath then. Some rares and some quests are entirely impossible to do without flying there.


Imagine it, servers with Druid flight form removed. They could replace the epic flight form questline with one explaining why druids can’t figure out how to fly anymore.

Maybe they could do server where paladins can’t bubble or mages can’t sheep.

We all want these things. . .


Why the heck would anyone push not being able to fly ?


i for one simply want flying to be a thing enough with all the do this do that wait for this then do that. Just make it flying out of the gate. Its a much more enjoyable game for me when i can fly. There are some creative mechanics you can put in to make it have some risk and it doesn’t have to be hoards of flying mobs.


Stares up at the bottom of the air ships in Ice-crown

Hmmm. Now how the @!&@?! am I supposed to get up there?


First off, I don’t want “no-fly servers” do not assume my wants an desires undead man.

Second, wrath is like, THE worst expansion to even attempt this tripe in as lack of flight makes some quest lines rather impossible. Fel back in wrath I was stopped dead in my tracks in Icecrown at the very beginning because I didn’t have cold weather flying and couldn’t fly up to the turrets to shoot at invading undead . . . doubt that even people who don’t want flying would be happy being barred from certain major story quests.


I want it to be posted on the Wrath PTR forum.

One giant ladder dangling from the airship! And you have to climb it at an RP-walk speed for extra hardcore effect.


Did you forget about the two zones where you literally need to fly to quest? Storm peaks and Icecrown. It’s why you can get flying at 78.


Can you get up to Naxx without any flying, including the loaner?

Also, no flying would mean no TLPD, so that means it would automatically be an inferior version of Wrath.


He has 7 posts. Likely just stirring poop.


they could… make new friends.

Dare I take the bait?

I had to double check, is this a retail thing?


I play wow for fun - and I do not like grinding through heaps of mobs to do a story line - it’s just boring. I did the Wrath story line again a few months ago, timewalking and levelling a void elf warlock and had a ball. I flew all the way through it and had a ball. Why would you even do Wrath classic if you had levelled and raided in the original Wrath? Wrath has some of the best quest chains of any expansion.


The self awareness though

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I wonder what happened to all the people yelling for no changes. They went from yelling for no changes to preserve the game as it was, now they are ok with changes as long as it’s changes they want. Can’t have it both ways. Either no changes at all or changes. So let’s relaunch classic versions with all the modern conveniences of retail if all of a sudden changes are fine.

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Well… I mean… are you actually surprised?

Not really, just feels like they don’t really want that original experience.

The issue with doing a no-flying wrath realm, is that it makes storm peaks and icecrown would be very difficult to navigate fully from the ground. Those 2 zones in particular look like they were designed with players being able to fly in mind.

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