No flying in 11.1 zone Undermine according to new dev interview

I chesse it all the time on my stealth char. so you fly over mobs that have nothing to do with the quest your on WOW. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

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No. Itā€™s not. Itā€™s a bribe to up participation. Plain and simple.

Nope because for a good while you could transfer off a pvp server (not to a pvp server though). Thatā€™s $$$. Blizzard has been about that $$$ for a long long time now.

Now weā€™re getting somewhere.

Iā€™d be willing to speculate that since it is a relatively small, heavily urbanized zone, that a large part of it may be just facade similar to Silvermoon.

Totally not designed for flying.

Just a thought.

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You are incorrect.

Ion himself said this when he gave the presentation at Blizzcon 2017.

Yep, see my above post.

Getting where?

Yes I say.

I really donā€™t see why you are getting so worked up over the fact that I could care less about not having flying in one zone and how I pointed out that it ruins world pvp in some areas.

How does it ruins the world PVP that occurs in them for you personally?


We should be gentle with him and slowly unpack his anger issues.

agreed :3

10 chars

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Iā€™ll reserve judgment on the D.R.I.V.E. system until Iā€™ve seen it.


Resources are finite and I do question whether ā€œletā€™s add race cars to the gameā€ was the right way to spend them.

The core progression systems of the game should be fun, accessible, and bug-free for everybody and that was probably Blizzardā€™s biggest failure in 11.0. TWW wasnā€™t missing race cars, it was missing balance, tuning, QA, and sometimes (like with M+) fun.


Adding a race style map and event kinda like plunderstorm seems like the logical thing there gunna do. Swems very very weird all they talk about is systems they dont want to leave but DRIVE is something that feels like will be forgotten after undermine. So i betcha, sometime in this season, they are gunna add racing and bring it back every now and then. Feels like they are trying to pull a league of legends with there extra game modes

I assumed that weā€™ll be able to take the drive car outside of undermineā€™d at some point. Throw the ground only people a bone, Iā€™m fine with that if theyā€™d let us also fly in undermineā€™d even if you have to beat the campaign or get it as a rep reward

Agree, it was mistake add flying now mostly everyone canā€™t play the game with out it. Its like bad drug addiction and Ion realize that and I do think thatā€™s why they tried to remove it back in WoD but backlash was so huge they had decide split the baby and thus PF was created as a compromise. But there some folks are trying to recreated the backlash so Blizzard can caved to them but it havenā€™t been successful. Personally I am ok with PF and folks here need to realize PF is here to stay.

Can you just use a regular ground mount in Undermine or is it going to be way too slow for the map size? I hate skyriding so I imagine I am going to hate the carā€¦


There will probably be a path finder later on for Undermine, I hope they give us a rocket pack just like they did for Siren Isles for the time being.

Flying should be available in every zone in the game except for raids and dungeons, and it should be available from day one.

I donā€™t know why you people want to reduce player power. It serves literally no purpose; Iā€™m not reading those quests unless the writing is good, and if the writing is good Iā€™m reading them, THEN flying off to the next hub. I will do everything in my power to get around faster.

If YOU want to go slow and take your time then by all means, go for it. Iā€™m not saying they should get rid of ground paths. You are actively hostile to my playing, while I am not hostile to yours whatsoever.

Maybe thatā€™s our mistake. Maybe we should have asked for all ground mounts to be removed entirely so itā€™s only flying, and remove all terrain paths. That would be the equivalent to what you are asking.


if you want flying normally do PF and yes that means you had deal with terrain if you donā€™t want to used skyriding. I personally donā€™t know you would survived vanilla when you spend 40+ levels on foot. Idk why most of you folks are always in rush for something. I think heavy rely on normal flying nonsense that youā€™re refusing to play the game. WoW is not about flying and maybe one of reason why blizzard had ignore you folks for so long.

Canā€™t engage in muh wpvp, because everyone is flying. Canā€™t engage in muh wpvp because the cars go way to fast :crazy_face: Itā€™s coming soon to a forum near you :rofl:

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Uh, no one stops you from RP walking through the zones anyway you want. Blaming others play style for something that is 100% in your control is on you, not any one else.

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Lol the real way to world pvp anymore is pvp until you are losing then q into an instant q follower dungeon to heal up

Innovation requires taking risks and the people who canā€™t play without flying would have found something else to be upset about anyways.