No fix for LEGION scaling yet & PF requirements

And free the transmog while you’re at it! REEEEEEE

Maybe it’s soloable and it’s just um the player?

when there fixing that can they fix nighthold where if you jump off the tower you fight gul at you get dced

but as others have said, blizz dosnt give a toss about out content, even if it was really fun but they broke it

this shouldn’t have been even a remote problem. they didn’t have a problem doing it for bfa, doing it for legion, or any of those.

this makes me so absolutely fuming angry.


My bad! You are very correct. My guild friends & I were working on the “Glory of the Legion Raider” which involved alot of both NH & EN. Spellblade is indeed in NH not EN.
Thank you for the correction.

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Thanks! I did read it was tied to Renown, but they never said it was tied ONLY to renown or what level Renown we would need.

I would really love to see an achievement for it in my achieve UI or an Official Blizzard announcement with full requirements so I know what else besides renown may be attached :slight_smile: