No elemental unrest?

Are we really gonna skip the cata pre-patch entirely? This is the only one I haven’t seen now and I was really looking forward to it.

I doubt we’re gonna see it in the 4 days the old world has left…


yes more than likely.

I dont think they have been mentioned at all in the marketing.

besides the point prepatch will be an extended beta at this point

You do realize that prepatch is what starts the event correct? It lasts until LAUNCH which is the shattering, which is the new world. Prepatch and events leading to cata LAUNCH…Apr 30th events more than likely start. And NEW world is shown and begins May 20th.


The event started with the pre-patch, yes, but they still haven’t even announced anything about the event. Nor have they tested it.

They tested Wrath’s (much smaller) pre-patch event on the PTR, and it was announced with multiple testing times.

Cata’s pre-patch event is probably the most massive pre-expac event to date, with multiple phases of it, four queueable micro-dungeons, city invasions, elemental world invasions, multiple quest chains… it’s a lot more than the zombie plague. And we haven’t heard a peep about it.


I’m interpreting the same way Isodk is. I imagine they don’t want to spoil everything for people who didn’t do it before.

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Read the blue, post Shattering Tuesday.

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Is there a post about postponing or skipping prepatch?


Doesn’t seem like we’re skipping pre-patch at all…



No, I really wanted… Oh come on! I don’t even want to play this now! I wanted to experience everything! I was ready!


The shattering is in 4 days. Not the 20th of May.

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It happened originally in 4.0.1 which was the systems update. New systems, old world. The PTR is already in the new world though, or 4.0.3a.

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To me it seems the original extended prepatch event wasn’t planned to exactly happen like the way it did. From what I’ve seen it’s been told that the revamp of the entire world took way too much than they had anticipated, hence the broken up several tiers of prepatch, and they just slapped in some events to buy them more time to work on it.


Actually, no. From the Blizzard launch website, under prepatch: "Level through a changed landscape in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms " Looks to me the shattering happens in 4 days.


they are talking about the Elemental Unrest event, which lets you fight elemental invasions of the capitals and you can queue for boss elementals from old raids and dungeons


These events are also a great way to get fresh dinged alts some easy 251 gear to prep for launch. I personally leveled 5 toons with JJ buff and dont have enough time to spam heroics/gammas/raids to get them ready.

I seriously seriously hope this event doesn’t get skipped.

Yea, I know… I can go to cata without any of the gear but it makes the starting leveling process a little more enjoyable.

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Oh, well thank you for sharing. There’s not really any information in the post or thread that suggests that, other than the title I guess, so unless someone already knows what the OP is thinking, it might be hard to follow along.

Do you happen to know, or have any links or any information whatsoever about the Elemental Unrest event, like when it originally occurred during the original Cataclysm Prepatch? How long it lasted? How long the pre-patch lasted?

Looking at this Elemental Unrest article it says, " Starting with the release of patch 3.3.0 (8 December 2009 for US realms), earthquakes begin in Azeroth. They are very infrequent and of mild intensity. Many players failed to notice they were even occurring."

I wonder if this explains the screen shaking I’ve noticed from time to time, and had wondered if it was a result of moving my desk to the standing position (lol).

There’s more info on that page, but it goes on to say:

  • Starting with the release of patch 4.0.1 (12 October 2010 for US Realms) the random earthquakes begin to occur more frequently and with much greater intensity.
  • On 16 October 2010 the earthquakes have longer durations.
  • On 27 October the earthquakes become more frequent.
  • This phase was released on the 1st of November, 2010. The day the phase started, Zarhym stated "There are four stages of the event. We’re on the first.

So, that pretty clearly suggests the timeline for Elemental Unrest, and would have been as accessible to anyone else who didn’t care about it at all, but was just another disgruntled forum poster/reader who notices that posts without any relevant information are somewhat challenging to decipher.

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Yeah, I found that and was editing my post with an update, apparently while you posted that reply. Thanks for the follow up, at least!


Blizzard needs to keep sub count up for Q2 earning report(Q2 ends June 30). Cata releases May 20th so people resub at least twice before end of Q2. Blizz doesnt care about the quality of the game only what the quarterly earnings report will say.

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I find it disappointing that the events are being skipped. I started this classic journey with the hopes of being able to experience everything and having a chance to get achievements, items and mogs that were no longer obtainable on retail.

Just this small omission has already dampened my spirits for the future of classic and made me reconsider if I want to continue this journey, because what’s next that we will miss out on?


You still have almost 3 full weeks of prepatch. Why is the assumption that no prepatch events will happen during a prepatch? I guess i need an explanation as to what you think is gonna happen for 3 weeks? Drop prepatch and thats it? No. There will be events leading up to Cata Launch.

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