No Elemental Storm fixes until Next Tuesday

Continuing the discussion from Disable Primalist Future Primal Storm Chance:

Who cares that it has been broken for days and had plenty of time to make Tuesday’s fix. Taivan needed to be shrunk so all priorities were set there.


Hey, at least players can stop worrying about chasing storms this week.
Not like there’s a deadline on the meta achievement. Plus they shrank Taivan, so how many even want to finish this anymore :smile:

Should we presume the broken cataloguing WQs are part of these behind-the-scenes fixes and not worry about those either until 4/16 ?


Yeah, what the heck is this? Hey guys, I know it’s Tuesday today, but we can’t fix the storms for another WEEK! Hang tight…

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They thought the mount was too big. Waah. It has absolutely nothing to do with whatever problems they’re having getting these storms to spawn. Stamping your feet and holding your breath until mommy makes it better won’t actually help anything. Sorry to say.

Really, so you believe they have infinite resources assigned to fixing / changing things in the current patch (vs working on the next one), and that there is no possible way that the same people couldn’t have possibly been involved? You might as well be selling Ocean Front property in AZ on that one.

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The fact that they thought the mount was too big and fixed it immediately, before tuesday even, yet have sat on their hands in regard to the way storms are spawning and won’t have a fix ready until next week is ridiculous, especially given that storms spawned 2 at a time when they were introduced in 10.0.5, and then worked for almost a week when they re-enabled them before they suddenly stopped working shows how messed up their priorities are. Less than 1% of players have earned the mount. Think about the optics of fixing the size of a mount that hardly anyone has, while players put in bug report after bug report, and made post after post for a week letting know the storms were broken and being like "eh, well fix it…next week.


Oh boy, we’ll have a fix on Tuesday!

Checks the day

Oh boy, 7 more days of this broken garbage that has somehow been broken for a YEAR. HAHAHAHA


Oh fantastic :roll_eyes:

Now fix Taivan, since you cant do anything that you broke because of your hotfix last week

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According to whom? They said they’re working on it and need more time. What makes you think you know better?

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theyre playing dumb to boost time played metrics, its greed before anything else. Their shareholders include Financial terrorist Citadel afterall


I’m not sure WoW has much of an impact on Microsoft share value lol.

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Of course, they’ll fix it on NEXT tuesday. They’re too busy working on Plunderstorm and SoD.

Rest in pieces Retail. You shall not be missed.


I’m confused. When did Primalist Future even have storms? I thought it was just Tyrhold in Thaldraszus.

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I guess someone discovered or assumed the Primalist Future counts as second storm event.

Man, it shows they really are clueless. They thought Taivan was too big, so they nerf him. No one asking for it…

Totally clueless.

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I believe they can also spawn in that sand place.

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Neither you nor I have literally any clue what the issue with storms spawning is.

Changing the scaling on a mount, on the other hand, is a simple matter of modifying a single value on a chart. At least it was with the system they were using back in TBC…that players could mess around with using a hex editor.

Stop pretending that everyone’s out to deliberately ruin your fun specifically and your outlook may improve significantly.


Wondering if they end up accidentally turning off the Primalist Future storms, not just the location. Which would be funny since you also need those encounters for the meta achievement :joy:

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Ignorance. Loooots, and loooots of ignorance. And a dash of entitlement for good measure.

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I will stop as soon as you stop assuming you have any say in the way people choose to feel. And my outlook is perfectly peachy sweetheart. I need 2 tasks to get the meta done and barring some unforeseen event I’ll get it done. But I have every right to express my disappointment and I will continue to express it.

Further, it doesn’t matter if it was modifying a single digit in a chart or rebuilding an entire line of code to change the size of the mount. They a) knew well before they put it in game what its size was b) put it in anyway and then c) just decided to change it when there were more pressing things to address in regard to the meta. People like you are why game companies get away with crap like this because you don’t think people have a reason to be disappointed when they decide to alter something for no reason then stay silent for a week on an issue that has been posted about numerous times.


You have not fixed this by any means. On multiple sites/forums/reddit etc the ratio of storm spawns is 70% Azune Span 20% Thald 10% Waking shores. Ohn’haran doesn’t even get a mention which I am not suprised by as I still need 1 specific storm for that zone.
Another site had the ratio as

  • Thaldaszus: 4 Storms
  • Ohn’ahran Plains: 5 Storms
  • The Waking Shores: 7 Storms
  • Azure Span: 30 Storms
    Please make the storms more frequent (no hour break) more per 3 hour period or put them on a rotation as of right now this achievement is currently impossible to complete