No Dual Specs - Blue response inside

A lot of us are. The main change in player base from vanilla classic is boosters.

A lot of us came back for this because the direction taken toward modern wow wasn’t what we wanted.

If you want to play a modern game play one. No need to play a re-release with solved old content. Go tackle brand new bosses with all the modern gaming conveniences.


So you’re going to tell me that you use no add on that were not in use in 2007.

You have no prior knowledge of the game from 2007 at all so you don’t know anything about the rage prior or dungeons prior.

You don’t use key bindings or any specific macros or weak auras.

And you’ve never watched a single YouTube video guide is aid or commentary about TB about TB C before classic burning cursade released.

On top of that you have no knowledge who the best DPS are what your previous is before you walk in to the raid.

Or how any of the fights work You’re going to tell me that you played TB C the 1st time and don’t have any of that knowledge at all.

That’s what I’m saying when I say we’re not the same player base like it or not you can’t take people’s knowledge away you can’t make people forget things.

And as far as saying a modern game 1st doctor is the difference between saying a convenience and something that destroys the core game concept.

This duel speck is a convenience Is something that would destroy the core concept would be like LFD, Or lfr, The token.

Like the boost And that’s my other point the absolute worst change they could make they’ve already put in the game.

So that’s what I mean and like it or not something I want to point out to you the game is dying.

People are leaving on mass more people are not coming to the game if TB C was so wonderful.

If it really was perfect why are people leaving like it or not it’s a solved game and it has problems like any game does.

I feel dull speck would help with those problems And quite frankly the absolute worst thing that can happen.

Isn’t that big of a deal honestly because honestly the worst thing that could happen is probably only going to affect 20% of guilds if that.

Right, I know it’s impossible to recreate my experience from 2007 so it’s silly to try. I also understand what parts of TBC I liked and dual spec would improve that experience.

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I agree I 100% agree I mean I keep saying it #DualSpeck

No. Just no.

We begged for the classic version of the game AS IT WAS because WE THE PEOPLE did not like the way the changes retail kept making were being added to the game.

There’s a reason why Nost, LH, Northdale, etc… thrived in their populations because they made it as close to OG as possible without changing the vision of the game.

We don’t want the changes, we never wanted the changes, we begged Blizzard for years to let us have a way to play the original game AS IT WAS IN THAT TIME. Period. End of statement.

They changed it anyways because they wanted more money from the playerbase. They added these ungodly mounts and level 58 boosts amongst other things. But none of that was wanted or warranted. It’s utterly ridiculous to think that what we wanted to play was the OG versions of the game, not OG with #somechanges version of the game.

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So, let’s assume your assumptions are right:

  1. there’s no point trying to recreate TBC because it’s already failed and is different

  2. the developers are obligated to develop the game to your personal tastes

  3. you don’t want to do new bosses

Then essentially why even have boss fights at all. You want a game with new challenges and without old inconveniences. You simply want the easiest most convenient way to get purple pixels.

I propose a compromise:

Classic next!
Removes all extraneous gaming abstractions so that you can have pretty items with purple pixels injected straight onto your character at logon. Travel around your favourite areas of Azeroth past and present on ultra fast flying mounts complete with the very best most powerful looking outfits without the need for pesky grinds or dungeons! No need to learn new fights - Classic Next - a classic game for next level playahs!


You don’t get to move the goalposts from Classic Vanilla to TBC and WoTLK and whatever else you “No-changers” feel like ruining going forward.

Blizzard learned from their #NoChanges mistake.
They straight up said this is #SomeChanges now.

I know that companies are mostly about making money, but it’s a straight fact that Blizzard originally said that the classic server(s) were intended to be a museum piece that basically froze “what it was like back then” in to something of a, their words, museum piece. Remember how many servers they originally launched? It was a straight disaster because it wasn’t even close to what was needed for that launch rush. Why do you think they underestimated so greatly?

In fact before they knew it was going to blow up and be popular, they outright said that if the servers weren’t very populated, they’d still keep 'em up because the point of them was not to be some kind of grand money maker that intends to attract the biggest audience possible.

We know that’s not their stated goal. That’s their goal with Shadowlands, and so that is a live service game that seems hundreds of changes every patch cycle due to fine tuning around the player base and their habits.

TBCC is not the same. This is a recreation of a time where, face it, things were not perfect all around, but the entire point is to recreate that imperfection, not iterate on it and make a “lesser Shadowlands” that is essentially doing the same thing Shadowlands devs are, just within the context of the TBC content.

Most people would tell you that your flaws are some of your most defining characteristics, and this is absolutely true of TBC. If you take away what you see as flaws, then it’s no longer TBC anymore, it’s just some product that was tailor made to you. The idea is that you play the game and conquer it for what it is. You work around the challenges within the framework of what players back then did, and you see how well you fare.

When I pop in an old retro game, I expect all the bugs and flaws to still be there. Those are what add to the “charm” and the vibe. Sometimes it’s tedium, sure, but without those things, it’s not the same game anymore. The game I bought 20-30 years ago is then retroactively not what I paid for.

Lack of dual spec is an inherent, and most importantly purposeful design choice, that must be respected and left alone or we’re no longer actually playing TBC. Just some live service official WoW funserver hosted by ActiBlizz.

The natural reaction for pro-dual spec at this point in the explanation is to bring up the other changes that have happened…and yeah? So what? It doesn’t mean we stop fighting to keep that line in the sand drawn.


Players weren’t forcing meta for all aspects of the game in those days.

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Dual spec should not exist in TBC.


For how “meta” today’s players seem to be, they sure seem to be having a real issue amassing a mere 50g per respec even though back then players did it just fine despite a much lower valued economy. That should be a cake walk (it legitimately is) for players who are playing at a “meta” level.

I’m inclined to think things haven’t really changed as much as you think they have below the top 1% of raiders. In fact I’d argue players of today are plain and simply lazier.


Is so you’re saying the world buff meta.

Is having one class be the best DPS and tank by a huge margin.

And having APVP system so literally toxic You had people literally Is doxing people to get them banned.

Is an a whole paid boosting black market service built around it.

And literally causing the game to become pay to win Is indirectly.

We’re all good things yeah we got classic wow and like wow and I would make an argument.

There should have been some changes more than they made.

OK 1st off my personal taste well I hate to be the one to break it to you Me and a lot of other people too just saying.

Is look at any poll you generally look at dual speck whether it be here or anywhere in the majority would generally be for it.

2nd of all I’m not saying new bosses specifically what I’m saying is the games not perfect.

I played it back in the day and even back then people wanted dual speck to an extent they didn’t call it that but they did want it or something somewhere to it.

And here’s the facts like it or not there’s a tank shortage and people are more likely to try tanking.

If they don’t have to respect cost between each speck for every single time they want to give it a try.

So to say it’s just my opinion sorry that’s just not true

No one is moving the goal posts. No one asked for store mounts and level 58 boosts. They decided to put that in there. No one asked for that. That’s not #somechanges that’s #wholelottachanges.

There is no tank shortage. There is a shortage of people who want to tank PUG runs. There’s a difference. I never have any problem with my guild getting groups together to tank. None of the other tanks I know that are in different guilds have any issues getting anything done.

No one wants to pug with DPS who won’t listen, warlocks casting seed everywhere to be number 1 dps, no one wants to pug with people who won’t listen to the tank and healer.

There isn’t a shortage of tanks, because they are all in guilds and on discord.



Not TBC Classic. CLASSIC. You listed all these VANILLA CLASSIC servers because that’s what you:

Spent 15 years begging for, RIGHT? Now that TBC Classic has released, you’re MOVING THE GOALPOSTS and trying to claim that ALSO APPLIES TO TBC CLASSIC. Your 15 years of begging doesn’t retroactively cover EVERYTHING YOU WANT IT TO.

Btw, here’s the most well-known NOSTALRIUS developer ADVOCATING for Dual Spec to be added to TBC Classic:


Yeah I know who nano is and he wasn’t the Übermensch and the one in charge of everything. I was there during all of it. He’s not the end all be all opinion of vanilla or any of those servers. He was a dev, that’s it.


Yeah, he just developed the game we’re all playing.

That’s all he is. Just some guy who developed this game. That we play.


I’ve heard of necroing but dang that’s a oooold necro

Ghostcrawler came up with most of the ideas that are now out of control in retail. So…


lol what? Are you daft? Nano was a dev on the Nostalrius Private server. He was ONE of the devs that worked on the project.

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