No "Dragonflight" in Development Forum?

Because you have the following:
Shadowlands : baseline + talents + borrowed power
Dragonflight : baseline + new talent tree (where the talents also include borrowed power, that is now chosable)

You want baseline + new talent tree + OTHER borrowed power?

You can’t, you already get extra power to chose from the new trees.

I’m not sure what Primal Swarm is… but you can get Primal Wrath + Swarm + Convoke + Draught if you really want to.

Except that doesn’t happen now, with more simplistic talent trees.
Where are players looking through other players talent trees now that deny them entrance?

Oh yeah, it doesn’t happen.
Nobody gives a crap as long as you have good RIO, you got good RIO, you have the class/spec they’re looking for for their benefits? You get invited.

You don’t go… ah this ret pally has Crusade and not Final Reckoning/Sanctified Wrath specced >>> uninvite!

No… you have user “error” on live as well.
If someone uses Crusade, it’s lower than the other 2 in sims.

And it’s absolutely fine, their character, their choice.

If you want to go and check every players talents in DF before inviting them… that’s also your choice.

I want the new talent trees to not be the old borrowed power.

  • I think that’s a huge staple in the success of Dragonflight.

I want the new talent trees to be designed in a way that’s less “punishing” to customization because that tends to lead itself to disappointment.

  • I don’t want to feel “forced” as a DK, to spec into talents I don’t want to get talents I do want, such as AMZ.

  • I don’t want, as a raid leader/group leader, to feel like I have to “force” my DKs into getting AMZ because we need that in a fight, even though that goes against their “customization.”

I don’t want complexity for complexity’s sake.

I have to agree with op,the major talent shouldn’t be in the tree,those can be done to any degree blizzard wishes or even worse if they wis to.

Talents within the tree should be enhancements for the character ,the others you already learned shouldn’t be learned again.

Well i want there to be old borrowed power t chose from if you want it.
It’s also fine to ask for NEW stuff in the trees.

Death Strike AMS + 10% stamina?
I want those, they’re useful everywhere.

I’m “forced” to grab Blinding Light instead of Fist of Justice for Mythic Anduin as well… well i actually told my RL that i’d be having that picked as it’s useful to interrupt the adds.

If your RL needs to tell you to grab that, i question your selection skills.

Also… it seems pretty easy to get.

It’s not “complex”, you read > put points into what you like > go have fun.

Someone says they don’t “like” your build… they get to decide if they want to play with you, you get to decide if you want to play with them.
P.S. This is nonsense, it doesn’t happen on live with simpler talent trees, it won’t happen in DF where others need to look over all your selections.

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You’re not really choosing things like Moonkin form… as a moonkin on live. So you know… the choices are different. ¯\ _ (ツ)_/¯

keep it simple silly

Maybe they will listen if you cancel your sub and submit your feedback during the cancellation process.

Anyway, good luck and hopefully you can lower your blood pressure. You sound really angry and hurt.

That’s not a talent tree. That’s a talent list that you just blindly fill out, without any thought.

Nah, we’re good. Trees are fine as they are.

You might think that being treated like a stupid child is fun, but I do not.

Yeah… it’s the cookie cutter build that you follow mindlessly without an thought. :wink:

I’m not upset, or angry at all, I just think more people will be disappointed with these talent trees than excited once they get to play with them, especially coming off of Shadowlands and how the classes feel to play today.

I just think a better starting system could and should be used is all. ¯\ _ (ツ)_/¯

Me and my friends are going to push +20s next expansion, and none of us are going to look at Wowhead for talent help. Don’t act like everyone plays this game the same way, or that nobody can think for themselves.

Path of Exile is a shining example of why your entire argument is false.


coughs in old talent trees.

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“Download this addon so you know what talents to take.”

lol, as I said before, WoW =/= PoE or Diablo4. Keep. It. Simple.

WoW is not a talent building game.

It’s literally nothing like the original talent trees.

All of those abilities I listed were baseline for every warrior.

Everyone has to pick new talents, so it should be fair. At least for those playing the same class and spec. The balance will be miles off as per the blizz standard.

also, i was thinking you know, its not like this is swtor or anything. someone should have mentioned that by now

What on Earth could possibly give you this idea? I mean, aside from the last ~20 years of balancing.

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What even makes you think they’re going to make any significant changes to the talent trees before launch? Dragonflight seems to be on target for a November launch ready or not and I don’t even think the first alpha is going to have all classes testable.

They’re probably going to make every single interrupt ability a talent and stick with it until at least 10.1 or 10.2, especially if they don’t even have all talent trees done yet.

For instance, they’ll probably make Outlaw Rogues choose between Kick and Slice and Dice or something dumb like that.

I don’t.

It’s going to be depressing as hell.

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