No diremaul after reset?

They already pushed a patch a few day ago. They just need to activate the dungeon.

Have you tried logging out then logging back in?

I’ve been running DM for almost two hours.

That’s good, I just hate seeing things like that go to someones “AH spec”

Have you tried turning your computer on and off?

Cancelled my subscription, Blizzard lies to much.

Probably trolling but on the off chance: They never mentioned a time :stuck_out_tongue:

So wow classic didn’t open immediately after reset, why would you assume dire maul opens immediately after a reset

it wouldn’t be patch day without a lot of drama and wailing and crying

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Wow classic wasn’t scheduled around a reset, that’s why.

DM is more likely to open around raid reset for classic, which I guess is actually in an hour

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Bloodsail Buccaneers server. DireMaul nor paladin epic quests are activate on our server.

ALL of the content is already in your client. No need to patch.

It’s literally on blizzards end, a couple of 0s in their database change to 1s. Tadaaa!!!

Which is a patch.

You’re not wrong

" Patch (computing) … A patch is a set of changes to a computer program or its supporting data designed to update, fix, or improve it. This includes fixing security vulnerabilities and other bugs, with such patches usually being called bugfixes or bug fixes, and improving the functionality, usability or performance."

Blizzard just refers to non-client downloads as “hotfixes”

It’s actually closer to a hotfix.

A patch would change the client version#. Did that happen?

No the patch is on Blizzard’s end. Still proving my point.

I find your logic baffling. But if you want to think that way. Have at er. Idc. Power to ya

Dire Maul and all of it’s data is likely already in the game, a patch isn’t really required. You can link the items from future raids and such right now.

Either way, we’re getting it today, so whatever.

Well today is still today, be patient…

Im assuming it will ‘unlock’ after weekly reset, as things do in retail. They stated they had this tech in place for classic to roll out phases. Classic launch was the same - the button lit up.

Great info for future phases releases though, pvp is ripe within dm right now.