No Cross Realm BG's, correct?

  1. It was in vanilla
  2. Why wait for something that’ll inevitably be in anyway.

A realm with 90% horde or alliance ratio is basically the same thing. One side would be in queue forever. Especially pve / rp realms.

that’s the horde’s fault for choosing to dominate their realm to the point where they can’t do bgs.

letting that horde realm take all their advantages to stomp players in healthy realms is wrong. xrealm promotes imbalanced realms.

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oh is that why all realms in 2005 magically balanced themselves prior to crbgs? lol

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  1. Why put something in to combat queues due to dead realms when there may not be dead realms?
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only a few were imbalanced. after xrealm it got much worse.

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Its a game that is not intended to have any future development for the rest of its life. There are going to be dead realms whether that be 6 months from now or 6 years from now.

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The only thing that matters is the number of people queuing each side. Obviously the ratios were imbalanced (or there weren’t enough people to even make the BG pop) to such an extent that it forced blizzard to implement crbgs.

You can’t tell how many people were queuing each side just from looking at population data. Only blizzard knew the exact queuing faction imbalance.

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Then they do not need to be activated until that time where they are actually needed. You do realize things can be in game yet not utilized, right?

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They are developing the game in a way so that they dont have to come back to it and introduce things… As little of maintenance as needed. Plus it was in vanilla, so itll be there, no matter how much we go back and forth on it.


They are needed the instant phase 3 hits. Blizzard has historical evidence that they are needed the instant BG’s go live. I’m not sitting in a AV queue for 20 hours on my pve server thanks.


It would literally mean turning it on when needed. Please do not presume to pretend that it would take an ounce of effort to flick a virtual switch. You are really scrambling for an argument now. It’s kind of embarrassing to watch.

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Im not scrambling for any argument. Itll be in there at launch… Regardless of whether you want it or not. Ill take that back, itll be in at phase 3, not launch. Itll be there at launch of phase 3 though.

Let’s also remember that CRBGs were introduced when the game was still seeing an extremely massive spike in monthly subscriptions. They didn’t add crbgs in during cata when the game started spiraling downward. So the idea that we might have full realms at p3 isn’t a viable argument against crbgs.

Simply put even on a populated server, without crbgs, queue times can vary wildly, last extreme amounts of time, and greatly diminish the fun of playing bgs. If someone has an hour to play and the queue takes 55 minutes, then it’ll incentivize them to leave midway through the bg handicapping their team. Shorter queues lead to more active participation.

Yeah, I can see just how good faith you are discussing this with absurdities like “20 hours” in a BG queue. Classic server populations will likely be vastly different than vanilla. Basing need of something like CRBGs in classic on the worst case scenario from 14 years ago is idiotic fear mongering.

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20 hours is generous. AV sometimes didn’t pop at all, or only on weekends.


And I am saying they can be in game, yet not utilized until actually needed.

It was actually due to significant faction imbalances. When one faction vastly outnumbers the other there aren’t enough of the underpopulated faction to keep BG queues going. The low pop enjoys fast queues while the high pop languishes for ages waiting for enough of the opposite faction to start a game.

And we aren’t talking people impatiently waiting on a 15 minute AV queue, we’re talking hours on servers with very low populations and/or extreme faction imbalance.


I couldnt agree more with this! Spot on! I remember always encountering certain pre-mades for WSG and AB. When you knew it was the same team, most of the time you knew their strategies and they knew yours so it then became a point where who made the smallest of mistakes was going to be the one who lost. They always ran the same 10-12 people.

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And also cross realm BG’s. Sweet, you can read!

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