Like the title says, is there going to be Cross Realm BG’s or is it going to be same server BG’s?
No cross realm.
crbg’s are in at phase 3 yes.
classic is on the 1.12 version and crbg’s are in that version
This is the video where they talk about cross server battlegrounds for phase 3. Starts at ~12min mark.
If the community is against it we CAN make a stink about it but we’d have to do it right now. Otherwise it’s going to be a thing.
I wish the community would rally against this from occurring. and heres my reasoning:
- People going for Rank 12, 13, and 14 may get it easier than it was anticipated.
- It was originally intended I think for the purpose of long queue times back in the day because of the magnitude of how many realms there were and people so spread out. But this time around, theres only what 14 servers now and they are expecting queue wait times just to get into the server? So why enable the feature of Cross Realm Battle Grounds?
idk man… i think i like shorter queues more
There are definelty pluses and minuses. I remember the days of queueing for BGs, going to quest, and an hour or two later the BG pops, and you forgot that you even queued!
Queues on launch day means nothing. Nobody knows what population drop off or increase will happen by phase 3.
Little late to the party? We launch in a week!
BGs are not going to be in game for a long time.
But the whole concept of layering is to have as high of a population as possible over time on a realm. So if Blizzard has mitigated population decay, the question remains; Why do we need CRBGs? To ‘solve’ for faction imbalance? IMO anyone who benefits from being on the larger faction should enjoy longer BG queues as compensation.
x-realm bg’s were in classic nub.
Because even with layering at the start dead realms are a possibility and those people who unfortunately rolled on that server deserve to pvp just as much as anyone else does.
True, but I still don’t think they’ll make any chances this close to launch.
If they are going to keep leeway and spell batching in because #NoChanges then they better keep CRBGs in.
I want shorter queues.
Well I won’t say you’re wrong there but that still doesn’t explain why CRBG is committed for phase 3. What if they aren’t needed? Layering seems to be needed at launch - it makes sense to have it… but CRBGs might be needed at some point so they’re in at P3? Awful logic on Blizzard’s part.
no they weren’t, because classic hasn’t released yet, it’s in the future, nobody can say for sure what will be in classic because it could still change.
CR BGs were in Vanilla wow… #NOCHANGES?
The logic is that they existed in 1.12.

Well I won’t say you’re wrong there but that still doesn’t explain why CRBG is committed for phase 3. What if they aren’t needed? Layering seems to be needed at launch - it makes sense to have it… but CRBGs might be needed at some point so they’re in at P3? Awful logic.
Its a 15 year old game that is marketed towards a niche. The idea that it might not be needed is more illogical than the other way around.