No credit for completing twisting corridor layer 6

I finished layer 6 today on this toon and I didn’t receive the achievement or the title or unlock the next layer.

Dont you have to complete all 16 floors for twisting corridor.

I killed the final boss on floor 18 of layer 6.

You need to submit a ticket if you haven’t already. There are no GMs here, as this forum is one for players to assist other players.

Torghast achievements are sometimes lagged, I have noticed.

I’ve seen one of my alts get achievements immediately upon relogging in for a second play session either later in the day or the next day. I don’t remember the exact amount of time difference.

The achievement will pop up, surprising me, and when I look closely I see it is for Torghast. These were for the regular weekly wings though. Don’t know if the the same thing happens with Twisting Corridors.


You have the achievement. I can see it in the armory.

Just log out and in, and you should be fine.

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i actually re-ran it the next day lol along with the last 2 layers, I didn’t want to wait that long to get the mount.