No credit for Celebration crate

Missing one crate for the No crate left behind achive. Found the following script on wowhead in comments for the achivement: /run local s,t={“HAZ”,“SOG”,“SAN”,“DIR”,“BAT”,“WAT”,“CHA”,“MIL”,“CRY”,“SUP”,“GHO”},{85574,83794,84624,84470,83931,84426,84767,85523,84773,84625,84909} for i,v in ipairs(t) do print(s[i],“:”,C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v)) end

Ran the script and found was missing the Howling Fjord crate. However, that crate was looted previously. Still, went to the spot, and no crate spawned, supporting that I had already looted the crate. However, did not receive credit for the crate and thus, remain at 10 out of 11 and no credit for that loot. Put in a ticket, and was told this has been reported by others and to put in a bug report. Here is the bug report. Please fix this so the achievement is attainable. Thank you.

I appreciate that you posted in the Bug Report forum, Janthrandra, and I’d normally leave it there, but… Looking at your level 80 Pandaren Hunter, you appear to have the Battered Celebration Crate in your Collector’s Carryall. Do you not see it?