Missing one crate for the No crate left behind achive. Found the following script on wowhead in comments for the achivement: /run local s,t={“HAZ”,“SOG”,“SAN”,“DIR”,“BAT”,“WAT”,“CHA”,“MIL”,“CRY”,“SUP”,“GHO”},{85574,83794,84624,84470,83931,84426,84767,85523,84773,84625,84909} for i,v in ipairs(t) do print(s[i],“:”,C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v)) end
Ran the script and found was missing the Howling Fjord crate. However, that crate was looted previously. Still, went to the spot, and no crate spawned, supporting that I had already looted the crate. However, did not receive credit for the crate and thus, remain at 10 out of 11 and no credit for that loot. Put in a ticket, and was told this has been reported by others and to put in a bug report. Here is the bug report. Please fix this so the achievement is attainable. Thank you.