No craftable bows is awesome!

No you want me to be emotional. Because “Drum roll” your a troll!

2712 posts sir. Thats not a few. You are a legit crazy troll. Proven. Case closed.

I feel sorry for your family. I truly do. Someone lacking in basic respect and compassion should not have a family. God thats awful for them.

More troll talk. How can you say your not a troll when you literally say the exact same things a troll would say? You want me to be angry at you. Because you are a troll sir.

I feel bad for you I really do. You keep finding yourself in the same situations over and over again. And yet you fail to realize the fault lies within you. Thats tough man. Life is going to be hard on you. And at this point I would have to say you deserve it.

Now I realize your the type of person that gets off on these interactions. But what you dont realize I am showing you and everybody else your true colors. You have been played like a fiddle. Now go ahead and deny it while getting your last word in for your non-existent ego. I am bored now. Tell your family I wish them the best.

Cant make this stuff up lol.

Mic drop…

I honestly don’t care what you are. The fact you keep getting angry and responding is the evidence though.

Bet you ignored the ones I help people who actually want to improve too.

Or the people that are adult enough to have actual conversations without trying to diagnose someone’s mental health over it.

Nah. Like I already said. I don’t care what your emotions are. I’m just making an observation. If you weren’t angry you would have left this conversation days ago.

Life is just fine. Very happy with my life

But saying I deserve to have a hard life is pretty cringe.

Imagine taking seperate quotes out of context and thinking you actually made a point lol.

Have a good night.

Holy crap people use some context clues.

Its at the point now where you need to make your posts like:

Disclaimer: The following post is referring exclusively to the current content and the current state of things and any mention of the term “previous” only applies to relatively recent expansions. By relatively recent it means…

Like no people arent going to hyper specify and individually define every single word they say so some geniuth doesnt come along and go “WeLL aCkShUaLLy iF wE LoOk 15 YeArS AgO tHiS oNe TiMe…” and thinking they did something because TECHNICALLY it’s accurate if you ignore all context and critical thinking and respond like a brain dead automoton robot who has never encoutnered language before.

Not having a craftable bow this expansion and having it and xbows being the ONLY weapons not represented in crafting is 100% an oversight and its also not the first time - in DF there are dragon faction themed sets with matching weapons that have multiple 1H and 2H options for axes, fist weapons, swords, etc and are either missing bows or crossbows or in some cases missing all ranged weapons outright.

Whoever is in charge of designing weapons seems to keep forgetting Hunters exist and its incredibly annoying that every other class and spec in the game gets to have a full matching set but Hunters are left like “Oh yeah oops lol its fine you’ll still sub”.


I’m saying people chose professions long before the beta was available. And if you’re saying they should ditch their professions and change each expansion, that’s equally absurd.

You’re not doing that. In fact, you’re polluting the discourse with junior high school levels of semantics and pettiness. You’re detracting from the conversation, not contributing to it.


If you want to min-max professions ? sure

And it’s kind of strange to say “blizzard let profession X do Z thing in this expansion, now you have to be able to always do it”

Historically engineering was always the “make hunter weapon” prof, so even if some other profession has been able to make it at a point, it’s more of an exception.

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It’s not really that absurd. I dropped both of my professions to have gathering professions while I leveled and then swapped to different professions than what I had in DF.

I’m not the one getting angry and throwing insults because I’m wrong.

This ^

It very much appears that you are trolling. His issue is that there are no craftable bows in this expansion (aka TWW) by any profession, including leatherworking and engineering.


Says the guy necroing a month old thread.

If you actually read the conversation you would see thats already been established and that he made the claim that Engineering has NEVER made a bow which I showed it did.

The irony of you calling me a troll while necroing a month old thread is funny.

What are you talking about. The POWx2 is a bow?

P.0.W. x2
Item Level 577
Binds when picked up

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I have always had a pocket gnome to craft weapons and scopes for my LW hunter. The bow in DF was a welcome change I think they realized they screwed up putting the gun plans as a random drop.

Give it the free 619 boost from the Queen quest series. I’ve had to do the same thing with every weapon I’ve craftred for all of my alts.

the dwarf expansion with all the dwarves that use guns and technology didnt make a crafting bow… HOW DARE THEY!

Like what is your issue man? You’re such a dumbass. Like no one cares if what you’re saying is right you just constantly come across like a douchbag…

Now you’ll respond in like 5 seconds insisting you don’t care…


The pow x2 is def a gun lol

I don’t have one.

Out of the two of us I’m certainly not the dumb one.

You cared enough to comment in a pretty dead thread from months ago.

You also act like I care what people think of me.

No need too.

Yup I crafted the gun mog it to look like a bow

Just get an Engineering GUN and Tmog it into a Bow. Stop crying.


Is that really what this thread is about? They just wrecked DR damage, but having the transmog a weapon is an issue?