No craftable bows is awesome!

So glad that they completely forgot about the weapon in this expansion! Totally awesome! You can literally craft every other item but a bow or crossbow! Way to go Blizzard!


So craft the gun


IDK why on earth they would not add bows to the crafting list makes no sense at all just LAZY!! WOW needs some devs like the POE team!! that actually have LOVE for their game!!


Well then… I will just craft the gun! Why didn’t I think of that as a leatherworker hunter who started this character in DF when we could make bows… and not as an engineer…


Pretty sure Engineering has always made the weapons for hunter.


Pretty sure in Dragonflight leatherworkers made bows considering I have leatherworking and made my own bow. Also… you are wrong, leatherworking has exclusively made bows.


SO you didnt do any research and made an assumption.

Super exclusive

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1 whole bow! Wow, you proved me wrong… for shame! That explains why there are 0 bows and crossbows craftable in the expansion. I didn’t play in cataclysm so meh. Having to find a bow from 5 million years ago doesn’t make it non-exclusive at this point.


One bow on the first page of the link you linked.

Dont get mad and take it out on me because you didnt research your professions before leveling them.


Again a single bow out of 13 from 5 million years ago doesn’t prove anything. At this point you are just trolling to troll.


What part of “It was on the first page of your link and I didnt look any further” did you not understand.

Its not trolling. You got an attitude because you didnt research professions and assumed there was a bow. 100% on you


So you literally are trolling. Thanks. No one has an attitude. There is a craftable for every single weapon in the game right now except for Bow. Clearly this is an oversight. The fact that your argument is “not my fault be an engineer, have a gun made” does not make the fact that there is no bow change. Nor does the argument that 15 years ago they made a bow that was craftable by engineering. Nor does the argument that I didn’t “research” the profession. There was craftable bow in Shadowlands, there was craftable bow in DF when I made this character… why would I abandon a profession that has made bows and hunter armor for the last 2 expansions? You are clearly a troll, goodbye enjoy being blocked.


Im not

You clearly do.

Theres a gun.

Its not.

Thats not even my argument.

You claimed bows were LW exclusive and were proven wrong.

But you didnt.

Doesnt mean there will be one in WW

No one told you to abandon the profession.

You clearly cant handle being told the truth.

I dont care if you block me. It doesnt hurt me at the slightest.


I think you truly believe you’re not trolling, but you are. The definition of trolling is to provoke an argument or emotional response. While I think the original post was done in that annoying passive aggressive way, there’s not much to argue there, yet you found a way.

I think it’s reasonable to wonder why the bow got removed this expansion, especially if the OP is correct and it’s the only weapon removed from crafting.


I gave him answers he didn’t like. That’s not my problem nor is it trolling.

Notice he’s the one that got mad not me.

Why it was is almost irrelevant. He chose to not research and made an assumption.


I am actually being aggressive aggressive not passive because it is super annoying.


And that’s the problem. Read his initial post again. I think you’ll find he wasn’t looking for answers, so you were providing “answers” to no question. Or at least no answers any of us could provide - an answer from Blizzard about this decision would be helpful.

He was just venting about the bow being the only weapon removed from crafting and that’s a fair thing to vent about.


Bingo! It wasn’t a question, it was a statement of fact. There is no bow being crafted and stating that engineers have always made hunter weapons is false.


Dude probably should post on the forums if he doesn’t want to be answered.

It’s not.

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Actually it’s not. There’s always been a gun they make.

Then you said they never make bows and I also proved that wrong.

Just take the L and move on.