after i see my toons i try to log in and then it loads all the way then goes back to the toons menu. with “no character found”
Same here, not just you
same isusse here …exctaly the same
Same here, Character Not Found
Same This sucks.
Was actually able to log in for 1 dungeon went to switch characters got dc’d and now I’m getting ‘character not found’ again. I assumed it was fixed after i was able to log in but i guess not.
i was checking all my toon’s new abilities then next thing you know i closed the game because i couldn’t log out in the interface or /logout. So i close the game completely. tried to log in then it said the rest! for some reason it’s showing my priest as a 120 vulpera instead of 50 like it was earlier!
Having the same issue here.
Same, could not log out so alt F4 out, now characters not found
Same here…Also I haven’t played this toon since wotlk and it’s not lvl 50?
Same here
same here, i see all my toons, but when i try to log in, stuck in loading and kick me to character selection with “Character no found”.
Same here
same this is pretty frustrating, and i renewed my sub just for the prepatch…
it’s suppose to be level 50
Such another banger from blizzard screwing with players, gotta love um for keeping consistent with that BS.
Same here
I’m having the same issue and it’s frustrating. My husband can log in just fine. How long before I can actually play the game we pay for?
Logged in fine earlier today. Go to log in now to my characters on Tich and they’re all gone along with my other characters across Anetheron and Magtheridan. Pls help
was Logged into Baelgun , major lag spike game crashed. relogged, now chars can not be found. been happening for the last 20 mins or so.