No changes? What about the nerfed elites that give a lot of XP?

Classic is harsh.

And it might not be “exactly” how Vanilla WoW was but I think Blizzard did a good job and made it as close as possible.

This is supposed to be some type of justification to make the changes you desire to the game right?


Did you read the entire thread? I already admitted I was wrong about thinking Blizzard nerfed elites.


Are you sure? Are you sure that yor 14-year-old memories are more accurate than the devs working with THE ACTUAL CODE AND DATA?

I’ll bet your memory is wrong, and the devs are right. Unless you wrote a detailed journal during 1.12, writing down actual numbers.

Remember, they are not trying to reproduce YOUR EXPERIENCE, the way YOU REMEMBER IT. They are reproducing the actual game. YOU have changed a great deal in 14 years. So have all the other players too. There is zero possibility of you having the same experience, reactions, and fun that you had your first couple of years in WoW.

Another person who doesn’t know how to read before they type.

I am curious how this is a problem for your, when you are only level 16?
You might have come across two elites so far?
You don’t seem to be AoE cleaving your way to level 60.
How does this affect you, directly?

Are you watching a stream somewhere, and this is maybe a ‘thing’ that the streamer is doing, and perhaps you feel jealous that you are not doing this?

Why would you unsub over a problem that is not actually having any effect on your game play?

I think you might be baiting, or at the least, insincere and just wanted to whine about something and seem valid.

So is someone going to lock this thread?

Edit your original post with parenthesis admitting your error =)

He did, leave the dude alone. At least give him credit for admitting hes wrong, not many people here do that.

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New flash they aren’t running the actual code and data. Everything needed to be translated into Retail. And they even said in one of the water cooler thingies that in many places they needed to massage the data to get it to fit.

I wish people would stop with this lie.

It’s getting tiring reading the dumb things you all post stating changes.

Nothing was changed. Classes play 100% the same as they did in vanilla.

Get over it. You are wrong.

I have cleave for Aoe grinding, it doesn’t work at all ;(

I actually have video proof i sent to Blizzard on it. Both 1.12 patches. They said thanks and that was it. I recorded myself back in vanilla days and looked at the new video and bam. 29 Elites hitting me for way less

You should post that video then.

Saying you have proof and showing us are two different things =P

If 80% of all groups are employing this meta, then it drastically diminishes the opportunities to those not utilizing it. There’s no such thing as “don’t worry about how others play” in an MMO. Everything impacts each other. If you want to have that mindset, go play single player game. Then I literally could not care less how you play. But in an MMO, everything impacts everyone else in some way or another. Don’t be daft.

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Did you have identical armor values? Cause that can lead to a discrepancy.

Vanilla was never hard. People just had no idea how to kite. Or play well.

Enjoy your ‘donations’ economy, broken quests and broken scripting then.

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I soloed King Bangalash on my shaman at even level back then. In fact, I soloed most elite quests at even level if they involved pulling a single mob at a time. Fozruk, some of the Stromgarde quests… friends and I always loved testing how much we could push ourselves at killing elites.

I don’t know where this myth that elites were impossible and unkillable came from.

Only for those doing it so it doesn’t affect me at all.

Oh, and before you try to point out that I’m indirectly affected by those that do ‘winning’ the race to 60 … no, I’m not, at all, but please feel free to toss those memes my way if you feel inclined. :slight_smile:

And where did you get this stat? Don’t answer – it’s rhetorical. I know exactly where you pulled it from. LMFAO.