No boost for accounts with existing lvl 60, change my mind

I mean if we are being overly generous with the number of accounts you might, MIGHT hit 75,000 characters on a single realm.

Haha chill out guys! The boost is so you can “join your friends in outland”! Isn’t that so kosher and wholesome and sugoi? It’s not for us to make a dollar!

Yeah, this does not raise Red Troll Flags at all.

New account to the forums, no post history and lobs a grenade into the thread.

The New Troll smell is so strong on that reply you can smell it a mile away.

“New character” to the forums is what you mean. You can’t see my account’s post history.

How exactly am I “trolling” by the way?

Tell you what, I will give you the courtesy of not thinking you are an idiot if you give me the same courtesy.

We both know exactly what the post was.

Not sure I can do that.

A satire, depicting the company’s stance on their reason for implementing a level boost?

So they can be farming primals and leather faster to sell at the best prices?

The argument isn’t that they have enough. It’s that using the boost for their bots will not help them sell more gold than they already do because they already are able to out supply the demand for gold buying by A large margin.

Even if gold buying increased 10 fold for tbc compared to classic, they would be able to out perform that demand in terms of what they can supply without using the boost, so why would they spend $$$ on a boost?

Bots won’t use the boost, your just fear mongering to try and gain support against boosts. I have no issue with you arguing against boosts, my issue is your using emotion controlling lies to do it.

I would be willing to sacrifice all my geared toons, gold for epic fliers, bank alts full of transmutes and crafting materials, etc… in order to start on a fresh server without boosts or cash shops…

I feel that way, and I am also a pro-booster.

I would do anything for love… but I will never boost my character

Ok and why would they spend this money to get to it sooner? What’s the urgency to get to it sooner? Do you think gold farmers are always low on gold? Do you think they are behind on their sales?

Or better yet, do you even think they sell more gold than they make?

Here’s the reality -

Blizzard exists to make money. You are not paying an additional cost to pay classic over the standard retail subscription. Why are you suprised, or outraged? I’m guessing you don’t know how or why businesses operate.

Nobody at Blizzard with any control over this issue cares about your whining about boosting. Literally nobody. You’re a monthly sub. The teams that are responsible for creating revenue do not report to the team that provides development. They are completely separate business units. The developers are told what to do, and they do it or they will find someone else to do it.

The boost makes them money and costs you nothing. Why on earth do you care if someone skips the classic grind? I genuinely am still boggled by this. Botters will bot, level, and then farm gold in any way necessary with or without a 58 boost. Blizzard knows that people will more likely burn out and stop before 60 than if they let them start at 58. Smart move. Boost to 58 for a fee, and have a higher chance that the player will stay subbed for longer. Wish you’d thought of that huh?

Seriously, step back and evaluate what you’re actually angry at and think about whether it will actually affect YOU 2 months into the game when you’re wiping in Kharazan on Nightbane. Spoilers; it won’t. Their player power is in no way, and will never be more than equal to your player power.

This thread has a stupid premise and has completely gone off the deep end. When all is said and done and TBC is coming to a close, you won’t even remember that there were boosts.


Blizzard did a terrible job at controlling this in spite. They are still bitter that most people are playing classic, and not retail. They’ve merged worldwide servers in order to make the world appear populated but in reality everyone is playing classic.

Control a market, more items in the AH means more gold to them, which means they can do better deals etc.

Well they would’nt be doing it otherwise, its like a used car sales yard, cars sitting in the lot make no profit.

The are capitalists in spite of the term communist.

Ok first of all, botters already have drones of end level characters. Let’s just get that FULLY established before I continue here.

But what do you mean by control the market? You can use buzz words all you want I want specifics here. Bots don’t ‘control markets’ unless the resources are limited like black lotus and they damn sure don’t control it by getting to the farm first, you control it with gold.

Also I’m not continuing this conversation until I get a solid answer. Do you seriously believe botters sell more gold than they make? Because if your answer is yes then you already proven yourself clueless in this topic.

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Yes I am sure if they get banned they won’t just buy an instant 58 and get straight back into it. You’re delusional.

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And the end level is going to move soon.

Control, corner are hardly “buzz” words. If there is a limited supply of something and you control the majority of it, or can sell it at a lower price than competitors you can “control” it.

Think primals and leather which come launch are going to be a premium, Bot controllers do research as well, they are going to know what they can sell more of to make gold to sell on.

Why would they be doing it otherwise? Why would there be multiple bots and gold selling businesses if there was a need for it?

just because they have 10 million saved doesn’t mean they haven’t sold 5 million before hand.

If you can’t understand basic supply and demand economics, then you’re the clueless one.

So by your own assumption, they generate 3 times as much gold as they can sell.

You just proved his point with your own assumption.

They generate far more than 3X the gold they can sell, but hay, I’m using your own words for this right now…

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I cant prove how much they have sold, no one can, but i can prove how much they have in stock on my server and its close to a billion gold.

I find it hard to believe they have sold or will sell a billion gold anytime soon, especially while they are still farming gold.

I can be wrong, i just find it hard to believe they will sell more than the billion they already have in stock anytime soon.

Has nothing to do with the boost now does it?

You think they control it by selling it at a LOWER price… sweetie for the love of god back out of this conversation

Has nothing to do with this conversation. This is not how they ‘control’ a market

Ok so you basically outed yourself as clueless. Go ahead and check this website g2g, you know where people buy these ‘illegal’ items. Put in your server. Put in your faction. It will tell you how much gold these people are sitting on. I’m not even going to look at yours but I guarantee you there is at least 5-10 sitting on over 5 million. And this gold has to be verified in order to be advertised there.

I’m sorry sweet heart but I’m not carrying on a conversation with someone who literally knows NOTHING about this topic. Go to a transmog conversation or something.