No, blizzard. I reject your idea of max level pvp

Luka would be proud of you. :rofl: :smoking:

LMFAO. Candy Crush accountant right here. Get this game back to the glory.
Bobby needs to go. Reddit news, wtf.

(Bleep) Exactly! (Bleep) Clown at the helm of this debacle.
Now back to my new villas on Margarita Island. :100:

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Are you a candy crush accountant? Good for you but weird flex.

About bgs there’s literally nothing wrong with them btw, if you want to hate or change something change gearing, that’s the problem.

Peeni walli. Confirmed.

Hi buddy, btw bgs are fine and there’s nothing that needs to be changed about them. Complain about gearing if you want to but don’t push for changes if you have no clue of what you’re talking about.

And try getting some gear too, good luck.

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Nice flex, How’s your booster doing?
Need some help?

Once again, don’t talk about things you don’t understand, you’re just making a fool out of youreself. You can either check people’s achievements or go to check pvp, I guess I’ve been purchasing boosts since Wrath, lol.

Seriously, just try to improve instead of whining here, it’ll help you enjoy the game a lot more. Unless you’re just trolling, which might be the case. I guess nothing can help you if that’s what’s going on.

Or accounts?
F end game it is a trap, better as a business than for pleasure.
Ty for enjoying SL though, seems personal.
I bet you and bobby would do well at the bar. :whale:

Link my Twinks too while you are at the stalking bub, Some of the most unique toons this game has ever seen.
Can you beat that? With that ugly mog, stick with bobby and the frat boys.

Show me something nobody has, or stay human ret on forums.

00/10 troll, nothing to see here anymore.

Human paladin with an ugly mog. In a Twink thread.
Gear your alts or keep getting dropped by 1100 players.
That is why you are here right???

There is lots wrong with game/company right now. This is correct.

Frat boy culture right here. Keep stalking. :face_with_thermometer:

Actually if there’s one thing the roleplayers are good at is transmog, and it seems most of them like mine : ).

Did you read the title of the thread or was that too hard for you to understand? OP is doing party sync “as a protest”, this thread is about max level pvp.

Only bad players resort to “twinks” as their main activity and unfortunately you are one of them. Not only are you bad at the game but you also have a very bad attitude which will never allow you to improve. And it even looks like you may have some issues up there, considering the random nonsense you type. You’re not worth any more time.

Good luck.

Multi R1 content creators say otherwise. Do you subscribe? It has been decade+ now bobby.

Mental health shaming. Should be fine with these mods.

lol bad players play twinks thats a stupid dumb take as tonybeets said even high rated players have twinked before

example soda and bajh have before and lots more those were just off the top my head