No, blizzard. I reject your idea of max level pvp

I’m not going to grind out 100k honor on every alt I want to play.

I’m not going to play rbgs or arenas against non stop glads and paid carries just for rating.

I’m never going to play a random battleground again against players with double my health and versatility.

I reject you framework for lv 60 pvp, and I reject your idea of how I should enjoy this game.

I will forever party sync into lvl 59 battlegrounds until lvl 60 bgs are fixed and gearing isn’t totally dog s. I now don’t have to do any torghast because legendaries are disabled. I don’t have to gain any item level because health is scaled.

THAT is how Max lvl pvp should be. Believe me I’d like to use my legendary in battlegrounds but it’s more fun at this point in the game to play on even footing than die immediately and not be able to cast anything because everyone is 50k health with arena gear.

But hey at least they’re removing flirt lines and changing paintings of women to bowls of fruit! Priorities!


The OP is correct, this expansion sows socks in Hell.


You’re in good company, OP. It brings to mind a line from that old Bob Dylan song, “Anyone with any sense has already left town.”


Blood on the Tracks is a fantastic album.

51-59 partysync is great but have you ever made a bfa capped 50?


I have reasonably geared 50’s leftover from BfA. But not sure I have the energy to make them full twinks.

with the sl rep gear getting fixed a well geared 50(ilvl120+) is pretty much top of the food chain. mythic nya runs for upgrades once a week and thats it.

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Funny how the thread went from “i party sinc to not grind honor” to “hey lets grind mythic bfa raids to 1 shot levelers”


Thats all you need to know how fair these people want the game to be and what kind of feedback they gave.


“these people” dont have 5 hours a day to play wow like the cool kids with gear like yours. once the neckbeards with gear like you stop playing random bgs vs fresh 60 ill stop beating the crap out of your fotm alts as they level.
trying to equate running one mythic a week to the sh1t show time sink at 60 is hilarious.
lol you called 60 pvp fair.


Don’t need 5 hours a day. A couple hours a few days per week is plenty.

You sound like the type of kid who had to bully handicapped freshmen in school because you got clapped if you tried to bully anyone else lmao.
Yeah mate, go back to twinking bfa capped toons so you can keep avoiding actual PvP.


a few hours a day losing bgs to get geared but i thought it took 50+ hours? players are expected to lose bgs for almost a month to be able to compete?
my way is much faster to gear a toon to be competitive, there’s no silly rating on any gear i want and i can make alts to play any class i want without having to invest 50 hours just to get started.


You are tripping dude. Applying into a YOLO RBG and being constantly rejected to finally get into one and lose gets HOURS. Finding buddies to do arenas is even worse if you are not a healer or FOTM.
A couple hours? Are you kidding? That’s what it takes just to queue to BGS, EPIC BGS and completing korthia dailies.


Forum screecher thought wrong, how surprising.

Sounds like personal issues.
I have no trouble logging in and jumping into games.

I don’t want to be that guy, but if you are gearing in random bgs you are doing it wrong.

Edit: As unfortunate as that is. And let me add, people aren’t gearing alts still. Altoholics that can’t stop rerolling are the only ones still gearing (for the most part).

Are you jumping in games as a rogue?

Neither do I, 2 hours tops and hardly everyday. Sometimes i get the luxury of playing 4 hours.

You are the one neckbearding by making raids to get an alt carried to smash new players and call it amazing gameplay lmao.
You dont hate SL because it isn’t fair.
You hate it because you can’t get past 1600 and will hide behind an alt.
All in all i dont think rating should gatekeep upgrades, the point is, you don’t want it to be fair nor cares about it being fair.

Funny enough i meet a lot of 33k HP people legit being the reason a lot of these bgs are won. Also stop pretending you care about it, you are more than happy to destroy people in low level gear by exploding them with a twink lmao.

It is hillarious indeed, because you are hypocrite. Lets face it you are prolly spending over 4 horus at least in that raid, not killing every boss, and im not counting how much time you need to assemble the group.

lol you don’t want fair gameplay. You are literally mad you cant get challenger and thats pretty much it. Ah, low level pvp is also miles away form being fair, and thats why you enjoy it.
Btw, posting in an alt is the ultimate neckbeard move.


The stupid idea among all is item level power gap at mmorpg game and SL is the worse of all xpac.
Ruins PVP and PVP content.
Instead developing a new content that fun to play, they just make the current content more grindy and more wasting time.
and when u pimp ur item lv lower level dungen or raid is like a joke.
same as pvp vs lower item lv is like a joke game.


The problem is the grind for alts yes. But also the ability for players to achieve max gear.

Conquest gear shouldn’t be rating limited. Rating should be an achievement but not a means to gear up.

Need to make progression possible all season, even for lower mmr players. Otherwise bottom of arena ladder falls out.

Skill should push rating, and I agree, 30k versus 50 or 60k is an obnoxious reality for most new players or new alts in almost any form of conquest grind pvp.


Honestly I got full honor and 7/7 in about a week while working a full time job. Yeah, it sucks, but it does give you enough to compete and slowly eke your way up through 2v2s and 3v3s if you can find people who are decent and trying to do the same thing with you.

It sucks but it doesn’t suck that much guys.

Korthia is a good alternative I think?

It always sucks to go against people who completely out gear you or vice versa. Not one of those people who finds one sided stomps engaging either way. But, it’s the state of the game and I wish I could change it - but this is what I got :x

With how big the conquest catch up right now is for aly’s - Personally I’ve found that dropping a bit on the rings/neck gives you a bunch of versa that will at the very least help you out quite a bit before dropping a chunk for your weapons too.

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You know the alternative is just not paying into the system, right? You can do literally anything else with your time.

It’s not that it’s impossible to do that gear grind. Anyone can sell their souls and just get into losing BG after losing BG, getting stomped again and again for it to FINALLY be something approximating fun after a week. Or you could just play a game that’s instantly fun. Which is what most people are doing right now.

Gearing at the start of SL was fun because people were more or less on an even playing field or the gap wasn’t too huge at least. Now it’s an uphill slog.

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