No. Bad Blizzard

Sure. Done.

But it is the same pattern of behaviour. Returning because you feel like there’s nowhere else to go.

Vulpera are indeed the Chad Race.

It’s fun when there is a nod and a wink and people are poking fun. Some of these guys are dead serious and are a buzzkill, unfortunately.

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Nobody is serious on the forums, we literally come here to troll and spark arguments for fun.

Or to join a side of a debate and rabble rabble.

Zero brainpower involved, just the worst of human nature on display for all to see.

Dramatic much

My guy, most of Plunderstorm is reused BFA assets …
I assure you that making it would’ve barely taken anything, let alone at all — From War Within, to make.

According to their post, the entire team put in a lot of work to bring this to us so, well…

Your word or the people that made it?

Now remember, they are breast milk stealing grapists who pump their games full of microtrans and bloated timesinks so, their word should be taken lightly.

Stupid unwanted idea.

Stupider idea. This isn’t going to help the game no matter how much you guys ask.

Then they shouldn’t have included it on the WOTLK box. Or in the feature list.

Speak for yourself war within looks great and im even more excited for it than I was with dragonflight

I am speaking for myself, not like there’s anybody else in muh noggen to speak for.

And for the features given they should charge 29.99 at most lol.

I don’t think never making it past the character creation screen is called roleplaying

I am not saying it’s physically impossible to make player housing

I am saying that player housing coming in a .6 patch was not feasible.

It would be an expansion or major patch feature.

You want them to actually work on it …right?

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I never said it was, but making a ton of characters and writing big backstories and then never using them is honestly a RPer hobby, thing, it’s something many of us do. Why? Cause it’s fun making people? You ever play the Sims? It’s fun to be god.

Well, they have already said they never have plans to do it and that Garrisons are their player housing. And honestly, no, I want them to be so forked they have to rush it out or get fired. I want them so panicked that they think they may not be able to afford their next meal.

Why? Cause they’ve sucked since BFA and I’m sick of this game being a blatant skinnerbox with very little reward anymore. And the next time they put main story quests behind a renown block, I’mma forkin chargeback as much of the 20 years of money I gave em and let me account sink to hell. Cause IDGAF, this game has become a mockery of Warcraft as an IP.

Between the new race being reskinned Stone Dwarves and what I’ve seen of Hero Talents for the few classes I’m still playing (thanks to the new talent system ruining gameplay) I have ZERO excitement for War Within.

Colin Robinson lol

emotional vampire noises

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I do not. You’re just jealous because I’m fabulous.

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You’re not a male? Male nelf look bad, that’s why I said male in my original post.

But that tracks, tree elves can’t read. How unsurprising.

lol thanks xd

Blunderstorm is a wow transmog for fortnite… I really was hoping for actual pirate content utilizing booty bay and other older areas to revitalize those areas… this is obviously setup to be a monitization future independent console game with microtrans… and should have been an independent of wow launch button like hearthstone. Wow needs to remain MMO progression of your avatar.