No. Bad Blizzard

We’ll see what Microsoft has to say, hell, there might not be characters if they get their way. We all just use standard nameless avatars and kit them out with garbage we win from the Battlepass.

Give WoW the Overcrotch 2 treatment.

Please look forward to ruination.

I don’t hate plunderstorm but I’d be lying if I said I would not have preferred that their efforts were going solely into making TWW the best it can be.

That said- If/when player housing arrives many players will care even less about it than you seem to care about plunderstorm, and it will have cost the game far, far more in other areas than something dumped out in a .6 patch. In a game with a playerbase with such diverse tastes everything won’t always be targeted directly at you. Be happy that the thing that isn’t to your tastes is such a minor addition.

We all realize it’s not an addition at all.


Minor things don’t have tournaments and aren’t constantly posted about as they beg us to watch.

They’re farming engagement metrics to bring to their overlords to launch a BR title.

Overcrotch 2 is dead, they killed it with their lies and mismanagement.

Diable 4 is getting it’s bum handed to it by Last Epoch, and in the big stream a few days ago that was supposed to be about all the changes coming to fix it. Since D4 is more or less universally hated… The game forking crashed XD In their stream. In the live announcement. So lol.

They haven’t touched Starcraft in a decade.

WoW is clearly on a slow decline.

They are using you as a test dummy cause they see the metrics for BRs and how much money they rake in and want that.

To be fair, they say that about all their projects. :joy: lol

So are you saying they actuall are one ?

I’m saying that when someone only has 1 character they can play…

So many great things they could’ve done. Too bad they insist on burning money on stupid ips and never actually funneling them to suceed.

Blizzard is the new NCsoft.

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this is such a good thread title

BR with a crappy engine for action combat is so lame lmao

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