No. Bad Blizzard



Bruh plays a male draenei and complains male night elves look bad? Remember kiddo, opinions are like buttholes. Everyone has them, and most of them stink.

And from this point forward, Night Elves shall be known as the Doritos. :triangular_ruler:

/moo :cow:


Do you want Garrisons again? Thats how you get garrisons.


If they come with the mission tables and the free gold, then yes. Yes I do.

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I am, eathern are a cheap reskin, delves look about as interesting Torghast, we already have dragonflight. New Talents aren’t nothing new, we always get new talents.

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Sounds like all the other expansions.

We go to a new place, with a new story, get some new stuff. Not everyone likes everything.

Wait, the next expansion isn’t an expansion?! Everything I know is wrong!


No, because previous expansions added things worthwhile. Why are we paying for a reskin of dwarves? Just make it a ducking patch quest.

Better be the coolest race ever lol, otherwise it’s basically theft.

Maybe we have different definitions of “worthwhile”

Races are the least worthwhile thing to add, imo.

I’m a roleplayer, I literally spend hours making characters I never play on games with better customization.

Everyone has their own definition of fun.

Besides five minutes of novelty a dance studio seems like a waste of dev time. Every race having its own distinct dance is iconic.


It’s a full fledged expansion with as many features as previous ones. What are you talking about?


But man, saying that its not adding anything, with the caveat being “its not adding anything, as long as you dont do most content, and specifically care about making a bunch of alts for RP” is a real disclaimer

It really ain’t, it doesn’t have a new class. The race is a retexture of two already existing races.

What does it bring?

Dragonflight? We already have that.

Hero Talents?

Enjoy being forced to pick a spec.


Torghast 2.0, fun. Not.

Anything else?

Raids. Story. New places to RP. New quests to do.

It has stuff, just because it doesnt directly tie into RP and you are assuming you dont like it…doesnt mean it doesnt have it.

I could water down nearly every expansion like this.


Probably new NPC factions.
Every expansion we need to raise reputation with some new faction.
New mobs to fight
New weapons, armor, mounts and pets to earn/discover.

I don’t know what a tar addict is.

So you’re not a fan of something and you want Blizzard to fix it? What kind of egocentric nonsense is that? You must be unbearable offline.

I sure am! And no, I just want them to you know, have anatomy that isn’t unsightly.

But please do continue enjoying Dorito Elves.

Some people just have bad taste, can’t help em.

Time to fill in those bingo squares and take some more shots.