I need an authenticator to do a guild transfer but I have no smart phone. How can I use the service without it?
You can purchase a physical one from the Shop.
Do you have a tablet or similar device you can download the app to? If so, coupled with a wifi connection, you should be able to set it up.
Otherwise, Kyzera provided a link to the physical Authenticator. We sell them at cost, and I believe shipping is still free for those in most areas.
No I do not use wifi in my house and I have no tablet or similar devices. Why the hell do I have to wait for shipping and handling on top of that buying the authenticator and waiting another 7 days to actually use my guild?
You don’t have to wait at all to use your guild, Meleefootman, you should have access to that already. You have to wait and fulfill specific requirements if you wish to transfer it.
There are specific security measures that are taken with these kinds of transactions for guilds, sorry, but our teams feel it is necessary to help avoid abuse and exploitation.
You knew what I ment when I said use my guild Vrakthris. You have to wait another 7 days to use the guild transfer AFTER the authentication process.
I could assume what you meant, Meleefootman, but I try not to make such assumptions because I have had situations in which that assumption was wrong. My job is to clarify information, not muddle it.
Yes, the Authenticator must be attached to the guild leader character for 7 days. This is to prevent someone from simply compromising the account, adding an authenticator themselves, and transferring the guild and the entire content of said guild in short order. The wait time and security requirement helps to limit the kind of thing happening because it gives enough time for both the user and our security systems to recognize what is happening.
I think it would be best if Blizzard provided an authenticators with the purchase of retail Warcraft to everyone and then they would have the opportunity to secure their account. The security you provide should be free and on demand if you truly care.
They do. The mobile authenticator is free.
The physical authenticator is sold at cost for next to nothing.
The Authenticator is free, if you have a mobile device. It is otherwise at a minimal cost if you require a physical unit.
The security we provide is free, it is your account name and password, along with a myriad of other security measures in place that you don’t usually see.
We don’t require an authenticator to have an account, it is an extra security option. That said, character services are also an optional service that is not required to enjoy the game.
Not including an Authenticator with purchase is not proof that we care or not, Meleefootman. If you wish to provide feedback on the inclusion of a physical authenticator fob you are welcome to submit that suggestion via the in-game help menu or by posting in the General Discussion forum.
I don’t know if they even sell WoW in physical form anymore. The PC games section here in every Best Buy is one small rack that usually has nothing but game time cards for a few MMO’s. The drug stores have console stuff only, and the full games dedicated stores like EB Games have maybe 1-2 racks for pc game pre orders but you still only get a DL code when the game is released.
The physical fobs are dirt cheap (less than ten bucks sent to Canada) and you get a neat little WoW doohickey to display on your desktop or key chain.
p.s. spell check has a problem with WoW but not doohickey
Doohickey’s an actual word, though. /end OT
So is wow. Most spellcheckers flag the unusual capitalization.
i am trying to set up an authenticator as well. and im confused on one of the questions required in the process. it is asking for a serial number, and it is required to proceed with the process. what serial code is it talking about?? someone recently logged into my account at another address, so its very important that i get this set up asap. any help is greatly appreciated. i have already changed my password, but i feel this additional security will be helpful. also, i dont remember having to provide a serial number in the past when i had an authenticator
i am trying to set up an authenticator as well. and im confused on one of the questions required in the process. it is asking for a serial number, and it is required to proceed with the process. what serial code is it talking about?? someone recently logged into my account at another address, so its very important that i get this set up asap. any help is greatly appreciated. i have already changed my password, but i feel this additional security will be helpful. also, i dont remember having to provide a serial number in the past when i had an authenticator. do you happen to know what serial number is required?

any help is greatly appreciated.
If you have the physical fob, the serial should be on the back of it.
The mobile app, click the three dots in the upper right corner, and then tap “serial & restore.”
Which kind of authenticator are you using? If it’s a physical on, the serial code is on the back of it.
If it’s the mobile version, click on the 3 vertical dots in the top right of the App and select the “Serial and Restore codes” option. It will give you the code there.
Just be sure that you’re doing this from a secure and clean device. If it’s been hacked, then the hackers will also be able to remove the authenticator.