No Arfus club

Just finished running my army of alts through today for one last try (full curses that aren’t lost each) and sadly looks like I’m joining the club as well this year.

But here is hoping for the next.


Here am I … posting in a thread I DON’T belong to …

My Arfus is level 25 already!

Long Live the Lick-King!!!


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265 total runs on an army of alts each day, mostly 4 curses and no pet. Developer of the pet/event needs fired cuz they suck at game design. Limited time event, sub 1% drop rate, people running as much or more than me and we still don’t have it? Make it make sense. Middle finger emoji to the developer, since it won’t let me post the actual


Welp I thought I done last night but today was able to grab a few more runs on HH…no Arfus though…sigh…


I would post a middle finger emoji out of anger over this Arfus situation. But then I’d would get a couple days forum vacation.


Ran it one more time with all the curses after daily reset but before the event ended…nothing but pumpkin heads and yet another sinister squashing to add to the guild bank. Never even saw it drop for anyone else on any of my runs. Granted I never ran it more than once per day.

count me in. got the saddle and scarlet key early on, but no luck with anything other than masks and squashlings. and tons of helmets on non-plate alts


225 Headless Horseman runs. Curses active for the first 5 runs. However the next ten involved 4 tanks, 1 healer and 5 lower level item level 70’s so no curses out of respect to the rest of the group. No pet
Not sure why Blizzard would punish its passionate Pet Collectors in such a manner?


And the Blizzard thing to do is put it up on Game Shop or Trade Post for one month. But seriously instead of slot machine RNG they could have made it a candy Vendor Item for 500 Candy. But I don’t see nothing being done now. The event is over. And everyone is like oh well maby next year. It’s only Pixels. But it doesn’t matter I want my Pixel Puppy.

Blizzard is so disconnected with the players its unreal. When was the last time a Blizzard employee played there own game? I can almost bet none of them have WoW on there home Computers. They make the game but don’t play it. They have no idea whats fun is and what isn’t.

If only Blizzard can understand players frustrations. If only Blizzard can understand what they are making by testing things first instead of just dumping things in a pot of stew and say its okay.


You know its called farming for a reason i still dont have love rocket you don’t see me witching and having a fit… que “You Can’t Always Get What You Want
Song by The Rolling Stones” IT TOOK ME 15 YEARS TO GET THUNDERFURY! IT TOOK ME UNTIL OTHER DAY TO GET INVICIBLE! I got Arfus in 2 runs so yes I was Lucky … Make a army of farming alts and stop crying about things when have about 10 i will tell this law of averages takes effect or just sit in a pool of tears each year and have a pitty party the fact is you all means to change your out comes of farming mounts and pets do the math if have 1 toon now and thats all you do it with your doing it wrong if were farming with 1 toon a mount your only getting 52 -53 times a year you get a mount drop… UP YOUR FARMING GAME! And Make the Odds work for you every shot not taken may as well be a miss just saying!

So basically its good game design to go in with 50 characters a day from Day 18 to Day 31? To spam HH till you get so sick it of you want to throw you computer out the window and hug your TV and watch Netflix or Amazon or Hulu.


Imagine wasting so much time doing gameplay you don’t enjoy for pixels you probably won’t use.

Absolutely could not be me.

Imagine wasting your time in M+ for Gear your never going to use. It’s just pixels… Right?


I enjoy the gameplay. Seems no one enjoys the gameplay of HH.

If they did it wouldn’t be an issue how many times it was done.

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Then again its all just pixels. Who cares right? Your dungeon is a picture of pixels. Your gear is pixels. Your Transmogs, mounts, npcs, They are all pixels. Lets all just throw our computers out the window cause they are nothing more then pixels.


Didn’t even bother doing the event been too busy with other games :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

You’re dense, homie.

No i’m salty have some salt. :salt:


Tbf, I do agree. Bad design. I just… don’t do it, personally.