No Arfus club

I’m still in this club. Unless I pull a all nighter and rush another Character to 60 just for another dice roll. Man I cannot tell you how mad i’am about this RNG. I feel Blizzard gave the biggest middle finger to all of us. :rage:

Can’t cage it, Can’t trade it, put it on a love rocket level of RNG that you have to spam the dungeon 100+ times a year and still not get it. You can’t buy it with candy and its not a quest reward. Then they lie to us curses work. :rage:

I can see some folks cancelling there subscription over this. I might be one of them. :rage:

Maby its time I start looking for a new game. :rage:
These developers on this game have no idea what fun is. Imagine a game where the Developers don’t treat players like :poop:. :rage:

:rage: :rage: :angry: :rage:


100+ with curses and nothing, the fact that it cannot be caged is beyond me, seeing as raid bosses that drop pets can be caged.


Better luck next year everyone,

(Politely assuming there is a next year)


So here we are at the end of Hallow’s End and I have to say the ‘get buffs RNG’ system clearly needs some help. I got buffs on my main and did her first EVERY day it was up and available and I got nothing. I did not get Arfus, I did not get the drake manuscript. I already have the Headless Horseman’s mount. But my daughter doesn’t and she’s been trying since the Headless Horseman event was started… so many many years ago. She also did it every day with the apparently useless curses to no good end.

I did eventually get Arfus yesterday on an alt. Last week when it became apparent that he was not dropping well (only 1 of 5 people in our guild got one doing it every day thus far) I decided to get all my 70s in and just skip the curses on those alts. 3 out of 5 of us got Arfus. 2 out of 5 got the manuscript. 1 out of the 2 that didn’t have it did get the Horseman’s Reins (a nice surprise for the one guy in our guild that didn’t care too much either way).

All these things we got were without the curses. I’m very disappointed my daughter didn’t get Arfus. She’s pretty disappointed too. I’m very disappointed neither she nor I got the manuscript. Please do better, Blizz. This was not a fun holiday at all. All we got to do all 2 weeks is kill the Headless Horseman and fret because nothing was dropping. I had faith that in the end we’d all end up with the stuff we wanted because usually that’s what happens when we really try hard, but this time that faith was misplaced and that really is disappointing.

TL:DR - Droprate with curses on HH was 100% worse than without. Stuff never dropped with or without curses which is a major bummer.


And for all the people saying to “cope, it’s just a pet” or such, I have a feeling you’d be just as peeved as the pet collectors if Arfus was in fact a giant version of himself you could ride as a mount that could fly, with dragonriding animations.

Just because pets aren’t important to you doesn’t mean they aren’t important to others. Think of others.


I know I would have been incredibly disappointed if it hadn’t dropped for me. I love mounts and battle pets, and I use those that interest me.

It’s a shame that the drop rate was as low as it was. Think WoWhead has it listed around .8% or so. That’s almost as rare as Invincible, which sits comfortably at a .77% drop rate.

A lot of players walked away from this Hallow’s End feeling dejected, and that’s not okay.

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To me, it just think it’s just a pet. It could have been worse, a mount, or armor instead. Then it would truly be messed up

But since he is mostly going to be collecting dust in people’s collections, it’s really not that bad. If they want him, there’s always next year.

Though do wish the pet was tradeable, would have liked to give him to someone. Because for me, he will be collecting dust, as i don’t like dogs. So would rather give it to someone who would find him useful

Remember when they called the brewfest and hallow’s end changes “overhauals”? What a joke, slapping a sub 1% drop rate item on an event and changing almost nothing else isn’t an overhaul. I crossed these events off as things I never needed to do again and they do this. Just nasty and disgusting game design only meant to spite their player base.


I think it’s less about spite and more about player retention. They just don’t seem to know when too much is too much.

Sure, RNG keeps players chasing the carrot for a time, but eventually they will just up and leave if they don’t feel like they are getting anywhere.


More like carrot on a treadmill. More you run and faster you run the more you stand still and not go anywhere.

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You are not wrong.

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Member of the No Arfus club this year…11 characters a day …no Arfus…sigh


How many people do you think are leaving this game due to a couple bad rng runs as opposed to the myriad of other problems that have plagued the game since WoD?

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“there’s always next year” is one line that literally makes me bite my tongue so as to not get in trouble here…


Man this is by far the most fun mechanic - arbitrarily missing out on something fun no matter how hard you tried while people around you who didnt even know it was a thing get it first shot is just the absolute best experience that makes me feel absolutely awesome.

Wait sorry no the exact opposite of that.


A good question I don’t have the answer to.

12 characters, 15 days all the affixes and no arfus. got the dragonriding first run though.

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I’m so sorry to all the ones that really wanted him and didn’t get him this year. I honestly thought I was going to walk away yesterday without him because my RNG is so terrible.

I had him out in Val last night and a DK emoted that he didn’t get him. I felt so bad for him. :dracthyr_heart:

I really hope they fix it next year either an increase in the droprate or allowing him to be bought off the vendor for BLP. I also hope they extend that to all the holidays with low droprate items.


Still able to queue for HH…
Still trying to get mine!


Since the event doesn’t actually end for another hour, I snuck in one last run after the daily reset … and as seems to have become tradition for me, instead of the new pet I was going for, I got the mount I had long given up on.

feels awkward feeling sorry for myself after this