No Arfus club

Just ran the last time this year, eight level 60+ characters , curses, nothing. I never even saw another player get it in the groups I was in during the entire event. A true bummer. Please stop doing this, Blizzard.


I had better drop luck doing no curses than doing hardmode. The system is jank.


Update, Update: 200 kills, still no Arfus, i took the curses for a higher drop chanceā€¦ended up just being cursed, well played Blizzard, well playedā€¦

maybe next year =(


NO Arfus yetā€¦on my last toon that can try for itā€¦sighā€¦

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Treats and a mask again! Iā€™m not sure taking the curses actually increased anything other than the stress of trying to keep people alive who stand in fire. :joy: Congratulations to Blizzard for making what once was a fun event the exact opposite. A complete waste of time and a huge let down to myself, and many other collectors.


I got him! First run on my Priest with all curses, even though they fell off. I almost fell out of my chair.

Good luck to those still doing it and congrats to the ones that got him! :dracthyr_heart: :dog:

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I did tooā€¦I literally danced all around my kitchen (My laptop is on my kitchen table) ā€¦then, I started queuing as a tank on my other alts to help the best way I could with everyone else that hasnā€™t gotten him yet! :slight_smile:


Thatā€™s so kind of you and congrats!! He is the epitome of adorable. :dracthyr_heart:

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And arfasless. makes me sad


30+ runs today.

On the last one, my wife let the dogs out because I was fighting. ā€œThis is my last chance to get Arfus,ā€ I told her.

ā€œDo they at least let you buy Arfus?ā€

ā€œNo. That would make sense.ā€

ā€œI hope you get him.ā€

I did not.

I canā€™t express how much I loathe RNG, especially for limited time encounters. Literally hundreds of runs over this holiday. I wasnā€™t tracking, because I figured (foolishly) Arfus wouldnā€™t have a miserable drop rate. I thought Blizz had learned its lesson, after the success of the mounts/pets from Time Rifts.

I was so wrong.


4 curses every day for at least the first run for the ā€˜bonusā€™, multiple runs every day, nothing to show for it.

Donā€™t know why I keep falling for your lies Blizzard, maybe one day Iā€™ll actually have the self-respect to walk away from the abuse.
Who am I kidding, you and I both know Iā€™m permanently in the grasp of a sunk cost fallacy.


Finishing with no Arfas. IDK how many attempts I had anymore, because I had so many bugged pumpkins that Rarity didnā€™t count, it was at least 220. Guildies who ran 1 toon got 2-3 dogs.

Wowhead shows a 1.1% drop chance, I am beyond depressed that something is up with the statistics in this game lately, and theoretically speaking, I am not motivated to subscribe another month when pursued items are not likely to drop because of machinations behind the scenes.


Also, after all those damn runs, I didnā€™t even get the saddle. I didnā€™t want the saddle, but I never saw it or Arfas.

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3o minute queues make it the worst. its time to add NPCs to group finder. less and less people playing.

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One last try on hardmode on my main andā€¦ no doggo, no armor.
And it just wasnā€™t worth my time to try queuing up for 30+ minutes at a time for multiple alts, not when Blizzard -supposedly- changed things to discourage the need to mindlessly run trains of alts through the dungeon.
Not that that stopped many of yā€™all. Soā€¦ 14 failed tries, 240 failed tries, it all comes out to failure and annoyance.

Put mounts behind massive RNG dumps all you want, Blizz, but doing the same to our beloved ghost doggo was just RUDE and SUCKED.

Guess Iā€™ll try again next year.


90 attempts and no pet. 6 toons a day all with curses and somehow a BLUE PET is the one item I didnā€™t get from the whole holiday event.

After feeling this defeated, the Love is in the Air event can be deleted for all I careā€¦ cuz I donā€™t wanna do it. I need at least 6 months recovery.


Been trying so much time and still no Arfus. Thought Iā€™d get my luck tonight.

NOPE. NOTHING. Blizzard, this is ridiculous, why did you make the drop rate so extremely low? Come on, step up your game. And PLEASE make it tradeable.


So. I just got my 2nd arfus and I just discovered, it canā€™t be traded. Now thatā€™s some messed up thing that Blizzard just did.

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Exactly. They should make it tradeable for anyone who have extras.

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So todayā€™s pulls in. No Arfus. :expressionless:

Candy, masks, brooms, squashlings, and one sword.

Calendar has it over tomorrow at 11am pst which is 2 est. I get a nice 3 hr midday break and will be able to get the last pulls in tomorrow.