No Arfus club

Okay thanks for your encouraging comment. :+1:


Some of us are at home all day longā€¦as for me I am Disabled and canā€™t workā€¦no kids or other halfā€¦just me and my cat named Mouse and my two Parakeetsā€¦Beaks and Chi-Chiā€¦

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Most of mine can be tank or heals or straight heals classes, or just a tank which helps, or straight DPS (I only have 14 going straight DPS)

Iā€™m usually in queue for 3-7mins as straight DPS, 1-3 mins as tank or healsā€¦ Of course, the other DPS make some ques longer because they canā€™t be bothered to hit the button, they are so waiting to pop up.

all 35 take me roughly about 2-3 hours depending on the DPS ques. The first 24 are all on Thrall, the rest are scattered around other realms, Iā€™ve spaced them if they are on different realms.









Depending on your server and how long after daily reset will justify how long your ques are. My healers and will take 1-3 minutes on average to get a group while my DPS could go as long as 5-8 minutes on my main server.

I donā€™t need anything from the event now I just do it to help people get groups faster with the rarer classes needed for groups or fill out a party that has everything else.

Also helps I got sick recently, so I been out of work since 9-11. Sadly, after about $2500 in medical bills they never found out why I got sick and just chalked it up to Arthritis.

Got it as a lvl 63 warlock.

Got mine yesterday on the 4th run of the day, 108 total attempts. Since Iā€™d kind of already resigned myself to not getting him, it was a bit of a nice surprise :joy:.

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So some get it instantly, and others are straight out of luck never getting it with many runs :thinking:
Great system.

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The que times have been crazy. Iā€™ve heard others say they sit in que long and then Iā€™m getting 9 through in 40 minutes. Blizz shouldā€™ve looked into immediately.

Only seen one person out of twenty get Arfus today while I was tanking the run for people. Strange problem I noticed is healers on at least 4 my 6 tanks didnā€™t heal, just through down healing totems or nothing at all. Thankfully a few of my tanks I know well can selfheal.

156 attempts so far on 13 toons no Arfus no manuscript still feels bad manā€¦


I can finally say goodbye club. I wish you all the best of luck!

Todayā€™s runs is.

  1. (Normal) 7 Candies, Mask
  2. (Normal) 5 Candies. Mask
  3. (Hardmode) 5 Candies, Mask
  4. (Hardmode) 4 Candies, Mask.
  5. (Normal) Broom, 5 Candies, Mask.
  6. (Hardmode) Broom, 5 Candies, Helmet, Mask.
  7. (Normal) Broom, 5 Candies, Squashling, Mask.

As far as wowhead says it only drops from purple epic pumpkin from hh boss. If it droped from candy buckets more people would have it by now

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That is why I asked about it from candy bucketsā€¦as I said the picture the player put up you canā€™t see the Arfus at allā€¦and they didnā€™t post a SS achievement you get for getting oneā€¦why I think its not a true fact now.

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After another 27 runs today and on Attempt #181 Arfus finally dropped, Still no sign of the Saddle though.

So i guess iā€™ll continue the rest of the 35 toons.


So like do I get a membership card or something? Cool perks?

Is this like those AARP rewards?

Looks like Iā€™m a member :slightly_frowning_face:
10 toons a day and no Arfus or drake armor. I leave for the US today so no more chances for me :sob:

141 kills, no Arfusā€¦got both the sword, a squashling on the boss AND a squashling in the epic bag on a single char thoughā€¦

Blizzard please unflag my account for the dog drop, im putting in the time, what more do you want from me?


Did this on 33 characters today.

I got one bugged loot pumpkin - it had nothing in it and wouldnā€™t disappear from my inventory. Presumably that was the horse, since Iā€™ve had it for a couple years.

No Arfas.

I donā€™t care about the saddle. I want Arfas. Thatā€™s it.

Well, no. I want Arfas, and I want to be free of this awful dungeon. Iā€™m sick to death of it.

But I really want Arfas, and if that means I need to turn off the lights and not hand out candy on Halloween so I can log in all my alts, so be it.

This RNG sucks.

Correction: 34 characters. I just undeleted a monk so I can queue one more time.


The one thing I have wanted from this event, and itā€™s nowhere in sight. Had one group where someone supposedly got it, and already had it. They were trying to give it away but found out they couldnā€™t. Iā€™ve only even see one person have it out. For a rare pet that is tied to a holiday event, this is stupid. It should have been a drop straight from the boss, or put on the vendor for treats. At least then if people wanted to put the time in, they could farm it.