No Arfus club

Still no Arfus or HH mount… :frowning: Getting tired of the RNG

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Is it worth running HH on alts? or just do the 1 character a day and hope the bonus box for your first drops it? I read somewhere your first kill has a higher chance to get better items?

A chance is still a chance, but the very first kill of the day is the only one that really makes a difference. Sometimes.

True, but something that is like 1/1,000 chance post first kill drop rates isn’t really worth my time. I don’t get it, I don’t get it, always next year!

Yep. That’s why I only bother with the first one. I stopped using curses too just to speed things up. I would still suggest using them for drops people need though, like Arfus. All I really need is the saddle at this point, but it’s for a mount I don’t even like, so I’m not exactly worried about getting it.

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This right here and I got the saddle. :expressionless:


Your first kill has the highest chance. All are suppose to benefit from the curses.

Technically I still have tommorow.

The calendar for me on my server says 11 am tommorow. So if I get up at 8 am, right when it resets, I can get 3 more chances in. But you gotta be quick.

I just know every server has different time zones. So check your server and you might be able to squeeze 3 more runs in tommorow.

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I’ve gotten nothing. Nothing except a million squashlings, 17 tons of candy and a closet full of hideous masks and wands.


Time to rent a giant dumpster and toss out all these masks. So much masks so bad for the environment there not even biodegradable. :wastebasket: :wastebasket:

And we wonder why we have global warming on Azeroth. :thinking:

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This holiday event has forced me to reinstall my auto-delete vendor addon. Automatically deleteds all the stupid wands, masks, candies etc. So annoying otherwise.

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Too late for me…

It doesn’t end til Wednesday, I believe 11am pst.

I would have gladly traded the saddle for Arfus.


Still in this club. I ran 2 healers through on Friday, didn’t get him. I am a bit disgusted at this point and couldn’t make myself log on Saturday or Sunday to even try.



Zero people got Arfus today in the 20 attempts I helped with. Again, what is with healing? Two of my tanks (1 that has never died leveling or at level 70) nearly died because healers either where not healing or plain out died because they took curses.

Sadly 1 group I tanked (everyone took curses but me) the healer was dead in under 30 seconds and the DPS just couldn’t do enough damage, people started quitting the event and I left dungeon myself as I was about to die, and no one was left in the group.

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Thank heavens I just got this epic sword I can’t even equip instead of the newly added pet I don’t have! It’s beyond pathetic at this point. It’s pretty much a given that it isn’t going to drop. Yay for adding new items to what was my favorite holiday in game, and making the drop rates so ridiculously low that most people never even see them. :+1:t2:


-48 Hours Remain-

I don’t have it yet…but I actually don’t care. I run HH once a day. If I get it I get it. If I don’t I don’t.

I have to say thank you. I thought I only have 20 shots left between today and tomorrow. However the holiday ends Wednesday at 10am pst. That’s 1pm est. so I’ll also be able to get pulls in Wednesday before it ends. Woot!! :grin:

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