not even a 5% buff… glad ferl and BM got buffed though, they were definitely performing worse than arcane.
Doesn’t need a buff.
I don’t think arcane damage is necessarily the issue with arcane. It’s more the fundamentals of the spec and that cannot be fixed with simple numbers tuning
good nerf arcane
Seraph and Bramot sit down to piss.
that not y i sit on forum and cry why my broken class’ weird spec doesnt get buffed buddy .
how on earth could you possibly think that out of all the current issues, the 3rd spec of arguably the best class in the game needs a buff.
why how wtf
because they need their hand held at all times .
Because not all specs of a singular class are equal in viability?
someone, perhaps a loving parent if it’s not too late, needs to take social media away from people who never finished middle school
yes we need 2 make arcane so absurdly broken it is fire mage . good point .
no one said that, but no one wants it to be the worst spec (by a pretty decent margin) in pvp either.
You really do sit down to piss huh?
common issue with one tricking when more options are available to you.
Learn to flex it’s literally just 1 spec that’s not performing too well while the other 2 are broken.
Apparently Frost Mage is broken.
you ever thought that some people just dont enjoy playing fire or frost?
The moment any mage spec is as viable as fire it’s broken because the tooltip is the same except DB.
get above 2k and you might see a good frostmage
doesn’t matter, you have more viable specs on highrating than the grant majority of classes.
If anything you should line up
This part matters a whole lot more than you let on.
i mean if you still didn’t figure out necrolord mage it’s honestly a learn to play issue. Nothing i can help you here with or rather won’t be bothered with.
Also i’m pretty certain that frost is more “viable” than most underdog or even T2 specs just given the nature of the cc immunity trinket with blink stun.
Quit complaining and learn how to play please.
so… when all 3 priest specs are on the top 15. 2 shaman ones. etc. yet only fire is top 15. I dont understand it.
There is a spec that is literally in its own tier of bad and nothing is being done about it.
can nightsaber and numbing please just learn how to play. since its such a good spec apparently.