No arcane buffs in March 29th tuning

Buddy, I was one of the first Arcane’s to cotton on to that trinket.

bro its fine stop complaining because you suck

you issue, again. Mage will never be the worst class not even arcane. I played against 2 arcane mages on 3k+ last season. It’s not great but it’s not as bad as you make it out to be.

yet you are 1.5 with negative stats.

it’s okay to not be that good but at least don’t be so ignorant with your opinions. Am done anyway, no point in arguing any further

hes the 25th highest arcane on the NA ladder…

i cannot imagine flexing such a non achievement. were you one of the first cavemen to drink water?

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i feel baited under the bridge but given the recent hotfixes and some takes on this forum it makes some thing seem totally normal.

This is all i’m going to say.

arcane is fine

wat that then unless it is a nerf frost and fire if so then i agree

i dont mind it

joke wasnt funny the first time i am sorry ur feelings r so hurt about ur world of warcraft specialization

need more variety in ranged specs for sure, arc really meh in comparison to frost/fire tho

Do we really need a 3rd mage spec to be S tier? Fire and Frost are doing a good job repping 2 of the 3 most toxic ladder comps this season (Holy RMP and Frost MLX).

Don’t think we wana see comps like buffed arcane/ww make a glorious comeback.


Love play WW/arc - such a fun comp. Is the point of your screenshot to show just to show you play that comp or something? Not to flame you guys, cause yall are great players and obviously can get high rating, you are only like 2100 rn right?

Also Volkazar is a stud :slight_smile: Would love to hear his thoughts about his spec in its current state. He is an OG arc mage

you’ve never had morning wood and sat down to pee? your toilet must be covered in urine


His is very tiny he doesn’t know. He plays arcane afterall

I think its to show that you guys are all just bad because the spec is “fine” :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you for saying something

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This is the classic issue of PvE balancing messing bad with PvP balancing. BM and Feral are doing pretty bad in PvE rn. As a BM hunter with some experience PvPing but who now PvEs, I don’t know WHAT they were thinking giving us tier bonuses that are a big PvP buff and yet are borderline terrible (ok, not terrible, but in comparison with the other specs, looking at you survival, it’s pretty bad) for PvE. Especially when all expansion we’ve had it ezpz in PvP and falling behind big time in PvE. Now they need to help PvE BM, which the buffs aren’t enough for BTW, at the expense of PvP for everyone else lol.

I think arcane is having the opposite problem of BM. While we are treated like the “PvP or bust” spec for hunters, they’re getting the “PvE or bust” experience for mages. It sucks, but eh.

I can’t be the only one that at least once a day at work sits down to pee and scrolls through ig and stuff on my phone if I don’t feel a bm coming on

Gotta get the poop dollars somehow

Idk I think its damage is pretty terrible. Its builder/spender system isn’t really well done and is nowhere near where it should be number wise besides the talent deficiencies that all 3 mage specs have. Its reliance on mana doesn’t help either, you dump tons of mana PVE’ing people and don’t really budge them. That’s assuming anyones willing to let you do it and not train you to ground.

This also. You only have to take arcane out for a spin and try to have a gun fight with any other ranged spec (besides fire/frost that arcane can overpower spamming spellsteal) to see how bad it feels. Spec just feels like it can’t perform under pressure and doesn’t do much damage. Better said as it doesn’t feel like it has a clear script to follow or win condition in mind that other specs in game have.

Yet again, I can tell you rn arcane is fine. Volk spiked incredibly hard this week with double lege, and his damage is really good.

Are you going to out PVE a frost mage? No.

But are you capable of soloing someone in your windows? Absolutely.

It’s a spec that has a niche playstyle. It’s not bad, it’s not great, it’s just generally right in the middle.