No Alliance Quest for Heroic Darkshore after the patch

But alliance got the first crack at the last heroic warfront right?



This is how the entire game has gone. Alliance gets 2 things good, horde gets 1 thing good, alliance cries for weeks about horde bias. It’s been alliance bias for more than 10 years, at least. Move along.


I’ve never heard of Alliance-bias, except maybe the bee mount? :honeybee: :joy:

EDIT: The funny part is Bornakk stepped on a landmine and he didn’t even feel it. :fire: :rofl:

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Oh yay. As expected

That’s right, Blizz loves Horde players more than Alliance. It’s perfectly clear.

/10 char

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I think it’s become obvious that this forum is filled with a large disproportionate number of people who play Alliance that are just convinced they’re victims of hatred from Blizz.


I was being facetious, sorry. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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thank you for saying it. We knew it was coming, though.

For everyone’s information, this is the same deal for the EU servers and it’ll be the Horde that have to wait. Faction favoritism? I guess it doesn’t carry over the ocean :roll_eyes:

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You mean how you are complaining now that Horde gets first crack at H Darkshore
when Alliance got first crack at N Darkshore and H Stromgarde?

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There is a difference between releasing a warfront cycle on patch vs cancelling a rotation already happening.

Because, let’s be honest, the only reason they deleted the quest for this cycle is so horde won’t complain.

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This literally happened to the Horde with H Stromgarde

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Alliance got Heroic Stromgard first in 8.2

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Anyone remember when wf first started and horde had a week of no ilvl requirements for it.


And Limit switched alliance for it and for against overwhelming odds. It got nerfed because horde complained.

They also assured us this wouldn’t happen going forward because there were would be more warfronts out and no one would have the advantage

But we don’t have new warfronts and they did it anyway, again, so horde edgelords wouldn’t complain

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It was giving heroic raid gear level items

Now it gives nothing. They need to something lucrative to entice people to play alliance to even the factions like theyve done in the past.

Or, they could do nothing and just let it die to appease people.

Clearly, giving heroic gear wasnt drawing in people.

It still never ceases to amaze me how the alliance playerbase is perpetually unhappy about anything. Alliance get H Arathi and N Darkshore first? Not good enough. Horde get N Arathi and H Darkshore first? Horrible, unforgivable bias.