If it gets people the $2k they desperately need right now, I couldn’t even care less why he’s doing it lol. The one time in 4 years I actually agree with him
If you can’t save that much then you probably need to find better employment, or just continue to blame others for your failures…you do you.
No he didn’t. The US and North Korea still only have a ceasefire since the Korean War, not a peace treaty lol.
Or maybe he recognizes how disgusting that bill actually is when Americans are getting shafted by the amount of payments going to random things like gender studies in pakistan.
Yes, they should all piss off to Europe where they would be required to pay their employees living wages and contribute to things like socialized medicine.
They are coming for that money ,tax wise, the left pumps welfare while they skim the working class so we all stay just broke enough to not evolve or innovate.
I suppose being born disabled was my fault then?
Trump is not trying to get people 2k it’s just a charade to blow up the existing deal cause he doesn’t want anyone to get anything, and now the government will shut down on Monday.
People that actually contribute to society are losing their businesses…to hell with your feelings.
Imagine being this delusional
This is where you’re wrong. They pay wages, that the EMPLOYEE contributes through payroll taxes for things like “socialized medicine”. Why not just move to Europe if it’s so amazing? I mean, I wouldn’t, but that’s because I make 2X what a pilot at even the best carriers in Europe make and I pay far less taxes than him too, but maybe it’s for you?
Man this thread is awful lol
It’s best to not get mad for not getting handouts and try to be self-sufficient. Not only for the holidays but all the time.
The worlds knowledge is right in front of you on the PC/Phone. Teach yourself instead of being lazy.
My feelings are not hurt. I am more worried about the thousands dying at the moment, and about the fascist clown in office currently trying to stage a military coup.
When Idle hands and idle minds collide.
He brought North Korea to calm down with their bombs. Something the Obama/bush/clinton couldn’t do.
Imagine my surprise you are still bashing on trump. That’s what mainstream media does to ur brain
when that bill has more B. S. than the patriot act it needs to be shot down. 5000 pages of pay increases and millions of dollars to companies that are well off and friends of the ones that wrote it, not to mention the entire gender studies in the middle east portion…
i really could of used that money, but my integrity has a lot higher of a price tag.
They were still testing after that though so not sure what you are talking about.
More than welcome to quote where I bashed him.
And you date super models too.
A military coup on who? I honestly don’t follow politics, don’t have any social media & don’t read or watch any news because I think journalism is nothing more than a clown college degree so I don’t trust any of it regardless if it’s right or left.
Yes the level of illiteracy is staggering, the schools fail the community. It’s starts at home, it is a viscous cycle of poverty and illiteracy.