one side is better than the other, that doesn’t mean they both don’t suck lol
You’re trolling, you aren’t actually this dumb.
I could assume the same of you apparently, especially since you can’t seem to answer the question.
Thousands of people dying every day. Less than the number that would die because we’re taking precautions and not opening up.
“This is why we need to just open back up” says the sociopath willing to watch more thousands die in the name of money rather than holding the minority party in power to task for their BS.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Also, congrats on being born into a rich enough family to be able to afford to set aside 300 bucks a week.
Great troll post man
Eh? Literally nothing has changed. You do realize that, right?
Didn’t get anything last time, not getting anything this time
I am glad ppl in need are getting much needed relief, here take my taxes
My argument is that it’s EXTREMELY easy for businesses to conduct that business OUTSIDE of a particular country in 2020 which means that if you had your bizarre fantasy of 90% corporate tax rates these companies could MORE easily bail out of the oppressive country and set up shop literally anywhere in the world. It’s that simple.
If democrats really cared about poor minority communities you would’ve seen at least some betterment in democrat controlled cities/states. Worked in the projects for 7 years and the amount of illiteracy was like third world level. Sad what the school system accomplishes there.
It is a terrible point. The United States controls 30% of the wealth in the world. A company leaving the U.S. because “taxes” is literally the dumbest thing I’ve heard all morning.
Yup well stated. One thing I have going for me is my drive to better myself & willpower. Literally went from rags to riches when I got my engineering degrees. I still talk to a few people I grew up with, they haven’t moved far from where they were raised. While I’m halfway across the country.
It was then too. If anything, advances in technology have actually made it harder to move over the years, not easier. More and more business requires specialized labor.
Nice job dodging my question though, maybe try again.
GE, IBM, Lowe’s, Morgan Stanley… yeah they’re all run by idiots right? I scored 750 on the GMAT btw.
Thousands die regardless. Walk on sheep.
I’m still shaking my head at the stupid twitter wars between him and his bff in N. Korea that had some of us wondering if we were gonna end up in WWIII.
Congress finally made a deal after months, but trump is so pissed off he just wanted to screw up the deal. He does not want to give us 2k and he would not even if they reworked the deal. One of the reasons is he is pissed at Mitch for acknowledging Biden won the election after the electoral college. Trump is just an angry psychopath at this point.
Ya except he made peace with North Korea. My god you are brainwashed
So, what’s a few thousand more, huh?