No $2k for you

It need to help individuals $2000 and more PPP for small business, vaccine costs and no scam stuff. Americans only. Shut down section 230.

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illegal aliens should not receive aid.


We use $ here too. I had no idea what you were talking about, and was curious. Then I saw it’s more self important US politics stuff. Why do you assume the whole world cares?

Still better than sending billions to foreign countries.


These are the US forums… so…

Helping out others is a good thing, but one should not neglect their own house first!

LBJ had a great quote about that though I won’t post it here.

I think I’ll just spend it all on the lottery this time.

I mean sure the odds are I’ll get hit by lightning during my Harvard valedictorian address while a sharknado launches a vending machine at me at the same time I’m declared president and also Ion gives me the keys to WoW.

But hey…


Or you could just buy some groceries :smile:

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It is true, but not enough to get too excited about, really. US foreign aid, as a percent of GDP, is not very high.

That aid might also be propping up otherwise sinking countries, countries that need to not descend into chaos so US industry can continue to extract their wealth.

The house of cards known as our economy is about to break anyways. Soon, they can’t kick the can down the road any further. It’s also no secret the elites of society are calling for a “great reset”.

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More like:


Yes. You use a thing called willpower and maturity to block the ignorance. Try it.

Atleast you all that lean liberal can take comfort in a majority of conservatives being equally pissed at GOP for agreeing to all that foreign aid with chump change for those that need it. Only great reset we need are the ones elected now.

At least with their current catfight he won’t get a pardon?

Keep on the sunny side.

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Nobody, it’s a circus act two sock puppets put on while your home is pillaged.

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Hell just bypass his veto or whatever and pass this thing… screw it.

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I think the largest issue is all the other crap in that bill. Sucks that any side would take something designed to help people and pack it full of garbage. It’s really better that the bill dies rather than pass in its current form.

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Disgusting how many signed it without reading any of it.


What kind of pork did they squeeze into it this time? Someones private land gets declared federal land and gets a $10 million nature trail?