No $2k for you

Yeah, the 100% deductible business lunch thing is ridiculous. As for the gender programs in Pakistan… it’s interesting that Lindsay Graham thinks it’s important to improve the lives of women there. So coming from him I’d bet there’s more, much more in the fine print than “gender program”.

$600 wont make a dent for those that used the virus as an excuse not to work and certainly wont for those who haven’t yet found a job in this volatile time.

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I’m legitimately starting to think the whole “own the libs” thing is true. I really think the only reason he (and the GOP) are doing it at this point is because they know it makes the rest of us angry. They couldn’t give a rat’s behind if people are losing their homes and starving, as long as at least some of them are dems. And it seems as if many of their constituents agree, so.


Maybe you can blame your Republican neighbors again, Nillah.

Indeed. Those folks are already well enough off, apparently, so their $600 should be pooled up and given to those who were actually hurt by the pandemic.

Umm, you don’t really get how money works, so I’m just going to ignore your comment.

I’ll never understand how the shemozzle that is tacking multiple bills onto another bill such that you sneak totally unrelated stuff through was thought of as a good idea.


It’s going towards other countries and very very wealthy corporations.

The most egregious one to me is Comcast is receiving almost 100M in aid.

Curious that earlier in the year, Comcast made a 100M donation to Black Lives Matter. You know, instead of paying that out to employees. Earlier in the year they made sweeping cuts, getting rid of a ton of warehouse employees and trainers…but they have money to give to Marxists with zero interest in repairing race relations.


Good god fearing Christians all of them, such love for humanity


Well, let’s run it down. $286 billion in direct aid (stim checks and unemployment benefits). $325 Billion (PPP) for small businesses with $14 billion directed at entertainment industries. $82 Billion for schools. $69 Billion aimed at public health, vaccine roll out, testing and tracing. $45 Billion for transportation. $25 Billion rental assistance. $13 Billion for SNAP (feeding needy kids…oh horrors!) Misc. like $2 billion for “Space Force” a bunch of crazy tack on stuff. Surprise medical billing is banned except for ambulances.

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a 500+ page bill stuffed with garbage in laywer speak. Money should be sent to individuals and small businesses through the PPP program, and the standard for revenue decline for the 2nd PPP loan should be set well below 25% to increase availability for small businesses. Too many rules and stipulations, plus its an accounting nightmare. I don’t think giving money to foreign governments and throwing billions at useless special interest projects is really the right direction. The bill need to be gutted and focused on the American consumer and business, and nothing but that. So no, I don’t blame him for threatining to veto that pile of garbage


But I do know how government bonds work. I hold some in my retirement accounts. That means YOU, a taxpayer (though I’m one, too) OWE ME money. But if that becomes a problem where you’re gonna starve or freeze, I’ll take a loss. We’re in this together!

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This might help.

I hope you are aware the covid bill with relief for people and businesses did not contain any of the things you (and other people in this thread) are complaining about. That would be the omnibus budget bill that funds the government that was tied to it. That bill will be passed with or without covid relief and congress would almost certainly override his veto just on that bill because otherwise the gov shuts down and everyone loses.

The unanimous consent request today that was blocked, and the bill that will be voted (and passed in the House) on Monday are simply changing the 600 to 2000 in the already passed bill.


None of these people have any idea what it means to live paycheck to paycheck. And many of them are “pro life” but only till you are born - then you are on your own. Starve, live in the streets under a box, no job, no health care - but “we are pro-life”.


Not everyone on these forums is from the states. I have no idea what you are talking about, and I don’t care. This shouldn’t be on WoW forums. Shoo.

I work in the accounting industry. I’m already fully aware of the financial repercussions of the stimulus bill you’re mentioning. its not a seperate bill. It’s one steaming hot pile of garbage thrown into one bill


There will be some things removed. Belly Dancing lessons for congressmen etc

You could always, I don’t know, not click on the thread?


Lol, it’s not like the title is stealthy.