No $2k for you

The debt’s been shrugged off for the last four years. Fake hand-wringing over it now is a joke.


As if murdering children before they are born is somehow more virtuous?


Does anyone think it takes 5000+ pages for a stimulus package? And of course most didn’t read it how long do you think it would take to read a 5k page document?

Friendly reminder that the flat 1-time stimulus checks are not “relief”. They’re economy boosters. The $600 / week and now $300 / week extra unemployment payout is the relief. I understand there are issues with UE and local costs of living and getting it at all, but that’s the relief portion.

People need to stop pretending the $1200 or $600 or proposed $2000 are intended to backpay 9 months of rent. No. The intent is that you were either still working and being paid or you were getting boosted unemployment to keep you afloat.

You guys got your 2k stimulus with the Trump tax cuts. In fact, I think I saved like 16K since it was signed into law, oh and my 401k only you know… grew by 225% since he took office. Boohoo. You can only get an RTX 3080 instead of a 3090 with your bailout.

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Enough of my paycheck already goes to those who don’t want to work, no thanks.

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Way longer than 4 years. Our nation was founded on debt. The privatized bank known as the federal reserve has been skimming off the top for decades.

The debt’s been shrugged off for WAY MORE than 4 years. And it’s just going to get worse when US citizens like you keep blowing it off.

TBH i am actually glad they didnt.

they snuck a bad law into that that harms content sharing for every1 w/ up to $30k fines.

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Oh yeah, forgot about that. The money that corporations saved they turned around and invested in business expansion and hiring.


True. As I recall there has only been one year in American history when the country was debt free, like 1835 or so.

What? I’m talking about the tax cuts you and I both got. Lmfao

Thats how politics work you cram junk in with the good stuff so when it gets vetoed they say oh look he vetoed a bill that would have helped homeless puppies! but if it gets passed then it’s Oh they passed a bill to make a golf course in the middle of a desert! it’s basically no win with stuff like that.

Did nothing for me, but I’m not a sole proprietor.

Pro-life people should just be called pro-birth. Apart from what you mentioned not caring after you come out, many of these pro-life and sanctity of life people are in favor of the death penalty lmao


better off without it, especially when they are sneaking a bunch of unrelated nonsense into the “relief” bill

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As somebody already pointed out, a stimulus check isn’t for you it’s literally for the economy to keep it going which keeps even more people employed. Actual relief came in form of additional money on top of UI benefits, since you know, those are people that lost their jobs or were furloughed due to COVID. It’s hilarious to me that the same people on the left demand the gov print money and give it to them then cry when Bezos adds billions to his wealth. A bailout finds its way to the winners always.

Republican government goes brrrrr

Money for rich? Sure thing every time!
Money for people who need it? BUT THR DEBT WE HAVE WE CANT GIVE MONEY AWAY!


Most employers in America don’t give out Christmas bonuses. We also don’t get paid vacation time like in other countries.


Good thing i’m an economist with money.

Merry christmas lol