Ninja Looting in Classic WoW

Is getting banned/suspension/account action from Ninja looting/loot scamming still being enforced In Classic Anniversary. Encountered numerous ninja looters/loot scamming with 3-7 of us reporting that person and still online.


As long as a gm can confirm yes but the loot wont be redistrubeted.


One is not like the other.

Ninja looting is not a thing in Blizzard games by Blizzard’s definition. If loot is handed out within the loot systems the game provides, Blizzard won’t get involved in loot disputes.

SCAMS though they will deal with, but they don’t tell you the outcome and they don’t redistribute the loot. As in they don’t take it from the scammer and give it to you.

In WoW Classic there are multiple loot methods that allow you to manage loot directly. For this reason, Customer Support will not redistribute loot in the event of a dispute between players. Scamming other players is a violation of our World of Warcraft game policies. We will investigate any reports of scamming that we receive and take the appropriate action, removing gains and penalizing those who violate this policy as needed. Items and gold will not be redistributed in these cases.


Pretty easy to confirm in classic wow just by /who the person. Yes, a person said 1 item in Onyxia raid was HR while recruiting to join the pug.

But proceeded to take the other loot himself. without letting others roll In my opinion that was scamming. Advertised something that was not true.

.This is part of the broad definition of Ninja looting or scamming/loot scamming.


Was loot rules described exactly in game chat? I mean exactly! As in open rolls on all items and highest roll 1-100 wins the item. No holds and so on. If nothing was and it is set to master looter then they will not be able to see it as a scam.

No they will not accept about loot rules talked about in discord or any other 3 party place.


It was advertised in LFG. LFM ONYXIA HEAD HR MS > OS open roll.

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Yet did they ever describe what MS > OS mean and what wins the roll? Highest roll, Lowest? Closest roll to 50? These things need to be described in detail other wise to blizzard they are meaningless.


Yeah, that isn’t something Blizzard recognized as a loot system. There isn’t a setting in game labeling a spec as ‘main spec’ or ‘off spec’.


Main spec > Offspec
Main spec over offspec.

Yes, in raid chat highest role wins. Because someone suggested 69 should be instant win before Onyxia pull.

The point is. leader said HR Head. proceeds to take loot that was not rolled on. So is this a scam?

Right, we as players know that. However traditionally unless the loot rules are explicitly spelled out in chat/game text, they don’t get involved.

They have never “supported” the MS > OS rule. There are just so many player definitions of what constitutes those things. Esp if someone is playing off spec to help the raid but needs loot for main spec.


Can you report it? Yes, is it a scam? Only Blizzard would be able to answer that for sure. All we can give you is what we have seen from Blizzard and on these forums in the past. From what you are describing my opinion would be that it wouldn’t be considered a scam because Blizzard doesn’t really support MS>OS.


MS > OS and open rolls has never been accepted as loot rules by blizzard and they will not consider it a scam. Sorry but everything need to be explained in game chat in detail.


Just to confirm. Blizzard has no idea what commonly used player acronyms means?

Which are on WoWhead.

Gonna be blunt on this:

No, it isn’t a ‘commonly used player acronyms’ as I can understand it as, as one of many ways: “My Stuff > Other’s stuff”. Along with that, Blizzard new CLEAR rules on what the loot rules, as I’ve pointed out, what’s a ‘main spec’ for someone and what’s an ‘off spec’? What if I go in as one role and need gear for another spec that’s mine main?


Of course we do. It just isn’t something that we are generally able to take into consideration for looting rules in a scam investigation. Your Main and Off spec can change, we don’t know what you consider to be either.

Not Supported != Not Understood


I am very happy to hear that in general blizzard understands what some acronyms mean.

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Just to comment on this. If they had established loot rules, indicating others would be able to roll for most items that dropped and that didn’t happen, yes, that could be reported as a scam.

Please note, if a scam is verified we will take appropriate actions based on our policies. Part of that will likely be removing any loot that they may have gained, but it will not be redistributed.


I am even more happier about this. Thank you for clarifying.

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