Sorry if this is posted in the wrong forum but i was just wonder what can be done about ninja looting in classic. I lost the roll for a Ravager weapon from SM arms to a mage… Please see screen shots below, i even offered to buy it off him at vendor price. Is there any way a GM can take it from him or is it a lost cause and I should just move on?
thank you
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Not here, no. There are no game masters on the forums, and I’m not entirely sure that they’d be able to do anything about it, anyway. While I agree that it’s a scummy move, they earned it fairly, but you’ll only get a definite answer by reaching out to a GM via the support link in the upper-right corner.
If they can roll on it, they can have it. GMs don’t get involved in loot disputes.
That said there are no GMs on the forums.
This is always how it was in Vanilla. If a player has an option available, they are not going to be punished for using that option.
It may be a bug that a mage can roll Need on a two-handed ax, but that restriction was not in the vanilla game. It was added many years later.
Isn’t this what everyone wanted? YAY CLASSIC!!!
I’m sorry, Pinky, while their behavior may be less than honorable, they are perfectly within their right to roll on any item that they wish under those loot mechanics. A Game Master wouldn’t be able to intervene in that kind of situation.
The hallmark of Classic/Vanilla is that it is a closer community where your reputation is important. They have damaged their reputation with you, so you’ll be less likely to group with them in the future.
No, the Need before Greed system at this point in WoWs history is fairly basic. As long as you can use the item, you can roll need on it. It wasn’t until around patch 3.3 that the system was reworked to take class and primary armor/stats into account.
thank you for the reply guys.
have a good day 
Oh… I thought we’d seen the back of these in Legion. Well… yeah, not much to contribute, but it’s a flashback to… whenever Warlords of Draenor was current.
This is a really good point. While I loath the idea of the return to the days of “ninja looting” #nochanges, the lack of inter-realm connectivity may make reputation actually matter. Will one person choosing not to group with a ninja looter make any impact on his experience? Probably not. But if you warn all your friends and aquaintances about this jerk, then over time he might find himself pretty ostracized and may find it quite difficult to find groups.
I feel for you, I lost an upgrade bow for my hunter to a warrior
It would of been about 40 dps better. Then he dis enchanted it when I asked him if i could buy it
Even if you convince them to let you buy an item, you can’t trade BoP items in this version of the game after they have been looted
This is Classic, you deal with ninja looters the same way we did before LFG and crz grouping: publicly shame/call them out in trade, make others aware of what a bad person that player is, and get them blacklisted on the server. 
Classic or not this should have been addressed knowing this was a problem for many years. This is blizzard being lazy and has nothing to do with the “vanilla” experience classic could have been even better if simple fix like this were done I really don’t understand the logic.
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last i knew mages cant use 2h axes and thus shouldnt be able to need on that sort of item…in any event the spirit of the game dictates that if the screen shots/logs prove that a mage got something they shoudlnt ever been able to …you should make the other person whole… because no one in the race to 60 cares about the rep of a mage
But people wanted the Classic experience. Where do you draw the line?
If you feel something should be changed in Classic, you’ll want to use the in-game suggestion feature (when the servers are back) or post in the Classic General Discussion Forums.
And how, par tell, do you think they should’ve stop this from happening? The folks who wanted this said they wanted 100% to how it were back than, and that means things like ninja looters being part of it, too.
Folks who wanted it were back than and than folks turn around and say they should put in X, Y and Z into it as well to stop something that were fixed down the line.
This is what life was back then. Remember his name and spread the word on your server.
Disagree. This here. This was the crux of the vanilla experience.
Your actions had consequences.
We sold PvP protection while you were leveling. We parked mains near guild members alts that were leveling.
It got to the point when a ganker saw our guild tag they kept going. Assuming my level 10 could survive in a level 40 zone it would not be attacked. At all. For fear of 10 60s coming and dedicating their play time to camping you.
So yeah, it is the crux of vanilla and now classic too.
that was then…today no one will really care not until level 60