About as good as I can Patch 10.1 onwards has been pre rough.Gearing is slow since I choose to gear my way not the “intended/forced way”.The overall mob difficulty is quite crazy.I was doing my hunter this week and for clarification im around 413 ish item level when this occured multiple times but if I was doing non current zoneor current zone area rares or quest hubs like the Fyrak one I would always get hit for a quarter or more of my hp from the look of it a basic attack from these mobs (as in one you cant interupt unless you immobilize or stun them.And this value was around 150k for those 30 minute rares that spawn around every zone to around 200k+ in Zaralek caverns and this again is from seemingly normal attacks not casted spells.
On the other hand my main a Warrior @ 420 item level and which I am very proficient on I can zoom around and do the same content pull more etc and take next to no damage (tanks obviously can sponge more than a dps).but I can still be melted over in that Elite area in Zaralek Caverns if I pull wrong same for doing the rares in there if i mess up or am distracted IRL it can kill me but that is a lot rare now that my ger is still improving,.I also use tha ttank my 418 Paladin tank and still gearing Demon Hunter tank the same way and I usually call out in general chat to get people onto these rares quests etc more to help them since I know how hard it is for DPS to get anywhere this patch since It is heavily forced us to group which Honestly is a bad decision.I can’t compare Zaralek caverns to any other zone with an elite area since no other area in the games history has been that unbalanced overtuned and lets be honest here delibrately done and I have done all of them(Started mid cataclysm and tanking Heroics back then was a piece of cake compared to this patch honestly).And add onto this the Crest currency which honestly blows my mind that it even made it off the beta the way it did.It has no catchup outside of spamming LFR and or Normal+ raids Doing endless PvP and endless Mythic+ keys to get the better crests.Thenyou have a vendor that literally downgrades 1 or 2 good crests into a worse tier crest that you are flooded with and that vendor should have a rework next patch seeing as in 10l.2 Crests will be removed if the Addon ATT (All the Things is correct and usually is).
In closing Prior to Dragonflights first patch it was great(except dragonriding will never like or enjoy it no matter what they do to make it better and it needs making better fast.)
then 10.05 came out Forbidden Reach was and still is a fun place to go compare to what we currently have a Vacant Cavern 95% of the time outside of early week when people go do there reset stuff kill the world boss upgrade a piece of gear or 2 then leave.Then there isall the people/afkers @ the time rift area the rest are either @ fyraks spot early week then that too is abandoned and they all remain in town or doing pvp/mythic+.For players like me who enjoy gearing their way not blizzard’s way we have next to nothing honestly.Drake crests and the next tier above that by now should be flooding players bags like the useless whelpling ones,And with 10.1.7 coming I really hope they have either nerfed the insanely crazy damage mobs are doing (Health stay the same idc)or buff players since I have not even noticed my character get much stronger than it was back @ the tail end of Shaodowlands.I say that since Shadowlands mobs still take as long if not longer than Dragonflight mobs to kill even when I am on Fury spec.BFA aint far behind either those 2 expansions need a bit of a nerf so we can actually have fun clearing that content without having to actually do a 10+ man raid for normal or heroic.
TLDR Nerf current mob damage/Or Buff players to compensate this.Fix the gearing system to not be punishment(it really is),Do something with PvP those guys are dry on new maps etc.Make old content which is <Shadowlands and backwards on Par with hor quick and easy WoD or MoP is I dont want to be stuck doing 20k dps if that I want to be over 500kDPS since I don’t want to be wasting my time farming transmogs in 1 dungeon or raid all day.