Nine Months In. How Are You Doing With Dragonflight?

How’s everyone doing with Dragonflight now that we’re nine months in? Is it what you hoped it would be? I’m still having quite a blast past the honeymoon period. All of this content is consuming most of my time! Sure, there’s some terribly awful bugs that should have been fixed eons ago, and man are those single pixel wide branches really a headache sometimes! But I’m having tons of fun farming rares in Forbidden Reach and Zaralek, getting lots of fun and awesome looking transmogs, and the snail race is a humongous blast of fun! There’s just a blast of content that doesn’t stop!

I can’t wait for more good stuff! I’m really digging the direction of this expansion! Logging back out now so I don’t sit on the forums for eternity haha!


What?! Its the real humanbeak. The summoning ritual worked! Lol


I hated it at first, but now I’ve grown very fond of it.

Valdrakken is always a pleasure to login to compared to Oribos, Kul’tiras etc. It’s a vibrant city with both Horde and Alliance, beautiful to just chill in. Though I personally didn’t mind borrowed power, admittedly I’m loving the free time I have to work on alts easily. The freedom to do what I want without pressure is nice. I casually grinded the renowns without feeling forced to, and I play alts etc without feeling mandated to focus only on one main. Overall, it’s been fun and the content cycle has been healthy it feels like. Already a new patch right around the corner.


Oh my god it did.


I have no core gameplay complaints. Dragonflight is good!

My RL friends I played with have quit and I haven’t built to motivation to bond with a new group yet for M+/other content so as a result I’m taking a break from anything serious.

Like you though with all other aspects of the game, FR rares/ZC rares/Researchers/Time Rifts/Kalimdor cup - there’s a flood of content that I am happy with the design of. It hasn’t been just a grind of the same stuff for 6 months.


Farmed gold in Retail before I started up Classic, got to 80 there, and began farming gold. I’m doing alright. I can’t wait until the FINAL VERSION comes out around November-ish.

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Brakkarion is the #1 Dad.

DF has been going fine, as expected. Game is fun, though spacing things out with other games to avoid burning out too hard.


I barely play but it’s something to do while bored I guess.


The most dumbest thing I wasted my money on. It’s not entertaining, It’s not that engaging, and overall just hate it.


Tis a humanbeak! Hi there.

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Literally wtf. I got chills down my spine and my hairs are sticking up.

Hi, Thallia. How’s retirement treating you?

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I’m not Thallia lol


Yeah, right. You’re also Sendryn.


Sendryn is Thallia, yes. I am neither. You can check achievements if you like, my profile is not private.


There’s that classic Humanbeak trolling.


I feel that the addition of augment was a huge mistake, and it’s going to reverberate well into next season before Blizzard gets a grip on it.

Before that, I was pretty content with the xpac.


This is why we don’t play games with forces we don’t understand.


The summoning worked! Hie Humanbeak!

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I slowed down playing. since March i’ve only focused on the Darkmoon Fair and getting monthly Travel tenders. only have six characters reach level cap, unlike in SL had 14 at nine months in

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