Nilganihmaht's Stone Ring and the Necrolord assault

While we’re on the “topic” of changes in the PTR and wow in general, can we change this requirement for the Stone Ring that requires a very specific quest to be active? This quest was active exactly once in the rotation for NA realms. If you missed it, too bad I guess.

For reference: The quest is “Putting a plan together” and it is required to get one of the stone pieces for the ring. In addition to that, you have to have the 3rd piece of the ring to spawn the mob that drops the 4th and final piece, so it’s quite literally two pieces of a ring that you can’t even obtain.

It wouldn’t even be that bad if it was a “rotation” of quests, but the previous 2 necrolord assaults were the same exact quests, and this week’s assault is the same as the one 3 assaults past.

If there’s any doubt to the requirement of this particular quest, you can check the quest/item on wowhead and see the comments. https: //


Yeah the current design is crappy. Should just make the necessary locations available while the Necrolord invasion is up.

I will get it once the required quest is active but I don’t really care about the mount. Makes me chuckle a bit when I see someone run by on one but otherwise, eh, don’t necessarily care all that much.

Regardless, kind of a crappy quest chain design.


Farm Borr-Geth for the toy and stock up on gliders.


In actuality, it seems that if this one quest is not active, 3 of the 4 parts are also not active. And I say that because right now I’m out there, scouring all the spots for the ground object, waiting around for the mawmad dude, and of course, you need the robo to destroy the statues up top. it’s completely busted.

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I just helped someone on this and also had the same issues, they couldn’t get any of the rings and was also out of luck with the map quest, so no rings. Seems like you need to destroy the pylons.

Oh, is the quest not up AGAIN? lmao.

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You need the quest to be active for the quartered piece to spawn on the ground, and the quest item to spawn in the chest that starts the next part. I tried this borgeth toy/glider. Only 1 ring spawned in the chest. The map, the piece on the ground and the little add you have to kill dont spawn unless the quest that was mentioned is active.

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This thing is honestly the bane of my existence right now.

Meanwhile, the quest “Just Don’t Ask Me to Spell It”, which is required for an achievement that’s part of the meta, has NEVER spawned.

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Can confirm. I tried with the toy getting all previously unlootable chests. (at the end, I ended up looting all chest spawns that were up). No drop of the map required for “Clearing the Walls”

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Wouldn’t it be easier to farm up one of the other two hand mounts? I mean, how many of these things do you need?

The other one drops raid cheevos and small % chance for tormentors. I have neither.

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Today the Necrolord assault is up again, and still no quest. As I mentioned before, the toy allows you to get where you normally wouldn’t, but it is fruitless, as the quest must be up for the proper item to drop from the chests.

I’m about ready to just give up…

EDIT: NOTE: This quest is the same as last assault’s quest. So that’s twice in a row, or 3 out of 5 assaults being the same quest, and the other remaining two were the same quest which isn’t the required one. That’s at least 10 weeks straight of not being able to obtain this.

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Thank the maw I don’t submit myself to such things and don’t achieve or mount hunt. The mount is neat but the requirement is a turn off for me.
Goodluck and I agree with any proposed changes to make it tolerable.

Feel whoever comes up with these things doesn’t know what works well.

the quest is again not up. i don’t understand how this is possible there’s like 3 total quests it could be and it just hasn’t spawned all but the first assault

Blizzard this is truly ridiculous. Everytime the assault is up I get happy like it’s Christmas and then get there and no gifts under the tree. Hotfix this quest in before you really bleed out the only players left; who are collectors.

Some things are good to maintain them exclusive. You should have done it in the first assault. You had the opportunity.

I love doing wow “puzzles” for mounts, but this one I already gave up on it. It helps I don’t find that particular mount interesting enough (though I’ll probably will think otherwise when I’m one mount away from an achievement)

Great example of a mindset the community can do without.


I’ve been holding into three of four pieces for months now. This is beyond tired for me. I do every single assault. Every one of them. This shouldn’t be literally impossible especially after I’m 3/4 done